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"We made pretend, we were best friends."
- 'Barely Legal,' by The Strokes

TW // mentions of r#pe. please check the comments for an important note

The recruitment had ended well. Killua wanted to test out Tsezguerra and he ended up passing, but it also created a competition between Killua and Gon. After gathering some people who wanted to leave, you officially had enough players. Although, it took a lot of persuading to get to get the last five to join.

At least now you had a fighting chance against the pirate.

Getting in was easy enough and the whole thing went like it did before. The boss went through the competition and winning spiel, before sending one of his players to the ring. Someone from Tsezguerra's team had went up there—without a shirt—and was adjusting his gloves.

Once the match had started, the man from your team had raced to the other side and cornered the pirate. He released punch after punch, before landing a winning hit on his solar plexus. 

The boss of the pirates held up the mans hand, "The winner is Barry!"

Your teams winning streak had continued, with all of Tsezguerra's men scoring easy points. Everything was going swell, and you were on the plan to go next, but it was interrupted by the man who Killua pissed off.

Him and the boss argued for a little, before he threw off his pirate hat and looked at Killua, "Let's take this outside!"

Killua hardly looked bothered. He turned his head and smirked, "Don't you mean the sumo ring?" 

"Killua," your eyebrows knitted as the ex-pirate yelled out something else, "I get the feeling that he wants to actually fight you."

"Of course he wants to actually fight me," he turned away from the man, looking at you. "I just think it'd be better to settle things in the ring."

You sighed and snapped your finger, "Yeah, I don't know what I exp–" 

"Hey! Stop ignoring me," the ex-pirate walked closer to him, making you take a few steps back. While you weren't scared of him, you didn't want to get in-between him and Killua. "You're really asking for me to kill you!"

"Don'tcha know interrupting someone is rude?" Killua responded, turning away slightly. He was still focused on the man, but his body language made him come off as uncaring. The slight narrowing of his eyes gave him away.

The ex-pirate huffed, "Like hell I care!" He tried to come closer, but one of the other pirates stopped him before he could. He looked back, staring their boss in the eyes.

"Killing them would  be a violation of our agreement," their boss had their arms crossed and were looking at the ground. "Do you really want to go back to jail, eh Bopodo?"

"I don't give a damn, this game is stupid anyway," he shook off the pirates hand on his arm, turning back to the rest of the crew. "Look, if we team together, we could take him down. Then we could get off of this island with a boat."

Everyone was quiet, although you could feel something festering. The feeling was coming from the boss and when you turned to look, he had hucked a ball of Nen at Bopodo. Said mans head exploded from his body, and you involuntarily took some more steps back.

Two of the other pirates picked up his body and carried him out, the rest of them following behind. The boss—who Tsezguerra called Razor—had started an outpour of Nen and figures started manifesting around him. They were different shapes and sizes, but they were all wearing the same uniform as the other pirates. 

Itami || Killua Z.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora