Holy Sh!t, Wait, What?

Start from the beginning

"That was weird."

Third and final bundle of wood dropped in the bin, Xael heard the patter of little paws coming towards her.


Adam's yelling frightened the little pup as it ran to Xael for safety. Adam's voice was definitely something to take notice of. Xael scooped the dripping wet mass of fur up and held it out from her as she hurried to the bathroom.

"Lose something?!"

"It's like having an actual kid!"

"Ha ha haha! Yes it is, but you'll do just fine, big sexy daddy."

Adam growled and winked at her as he tried to towel dry to the two squirming wet balls of fur. Xael returned to the main living area and put the sheets in the dryer. Digging in the bag from the pet store, Adam had gotten them each a stuffed toy and a chewy bone, which was going to do nothing but make a mess. He had also gotten them teething nyla bones, she put their stuffed toy and nyla bone in each of their beds. Xael opened a small jar of home canned fish her Grams had given her and split it between the two bowls on the floor.

Soon there was a herd of elephants running down the hallway.

"Release the hounds!!" Adam yelled from the back as the pups tore through the house all nice and clean. They fell over each other after smelling the fish that was put down for them and quickly gobbled it up along with some water. Adam came into view in a new set of clothes.

Xael just had to stare at him as he was indeed sexy. "Will you take them out?"

"Sure babe." Adam gave her a kiss and nuzzle. "Let's go pups, and don't roll in the dirt!"

Running along the back deck, they tumbled right off the edge of it. While they were out, Xael started a fire in the fireplace as she was getting a little chilly. She wondered why Skylar had a fireplace and woodstove. Fire going, she plated up some of the pizza and poured them something to drink. The patio door opened and in ran the pups, still wrestling about until they saw their new toys and beds. Both plopped down and went to town chewing on the fake bones.

"Pizza is ready hon."

"Good, I'm starving." And he was. Adam ate almost the entire pizza.

With lunch out of the way, Adam put the towels from bathing the pups in the washer and Xael returned to make their den again. This time with fresh warm sheets and blankets. Fully belly, Xael was getting sleepy and Adam wanted to call and check in at the station. He also needed to follow up with Max and Parker.

Kitchen cleaned, Xael put some more logs on the fire and made sure the fire screen was in place and latched for safety. There were little ones about now so safety had to be a priority. They both sat down in the 'family den'. By now they pups were dozing off as they enjoyed the warmth of the fire. Like Xael had thought, they were both in the same bed, curled up together. Xael cozied up to Adam as they shared some tender kisses and nuzzles. She was over with being in heat, but Adam was still trying to adjust his pheromones to return her to normal. For now they would enjoy some cuddles. After about an hour of being lovey dovey, Xael laid down, her exhaustion finally hitting her. It didn't take long for the pups to notice and both were up and making their way over to her slowly. They both looked up at Adam.

"Awww, you wanna lay with momma? Go on pups, you don't have to ask." The tan one wasted no time in curling up to her. The other one carefully but clumsily stepped over her and onto Adams lap, his paws now on his shoulders, Adam gave him a nuzzle and growl. Walking on Xael, the little one snuggled up to his brother as Xael's large tail went over both of them and they instantly settled down. Her furry ears pivoting at the slightest sound. Adam leaned over and gave her a kiss and nuzzled into her the crook of her neck. Her scent was absolutely heavenly. Adam pulled the blanket over her but not the pups as they were already protected by her tail. The Omega's purr was not far behind, as the soft and soothing sounds were soon heard.

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