Tuesday - Thursday*

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Tuesday morning came and everyone went through their normal routines.  Xael, her Grams and the Sheriff made it into town with Xael leaving her pups at the cabin, seeing how she was never alone that much, there was no need to have them restricted to a booth. Ever since her PTSD episode, everyone familiar with her kept a close eye on her, whether she wanted them to or not. But, she was thankful that her pups could have a break from constantly being on alert and just be her silly, furry boys.

Shado was at the diner bright and early, before it even opened. He'd missed his Mate even though it was only half a day.  He had quickly gotten used to her being clingy and always next to him. As soon as  Xael picked up his scent, she was at the door waiting for him. Before he could enter, she was in his arms, the two hugging like they had been separated for weeks. After a quick kiss, she went back to finish up in the kitchen

Since it was still early and no one else was there yet, Shado decided to talk to both Skylar and Emma as Xael worked in the back. Emma let him know that she would love for them to stay with her afterwards. Skylar suggested that Shado think about taking his cabin. The older male saw no point in letting it sit empty.  He didn't want to deal with putting it on the market and wanted it to go to someone that would respect not only the house, but the land that it was on. It was a cute A-frame style cabin with a wood burning stove that could be used to bake in and cook on. Shado let him know he would seriously think about it.

While the three sat and talked, Xael worked away getting things ready for the day. Since they were there early, she cooked everyone breakfast and they ate together. Shado let her in on the conversation they had before she sat with them. Xael was happy that her Grams was ok with them staying with her after Mating. What she really liked was the idea of the two of them having their own place. Shado was also glad as he wanted to get back out into nature. The Elders let the young couple know that there was no rush and Skylar would talk to Shado about the cabin later.

As they finished up with breakfast, Skylar received a call from Eli, Chris was in the background as Eli had the call on speaker phone. Xael's brothers wondered if Skylar would be willing to do a Chanupa or Sacred Pipe ceremony with them before they prepared the lodge. The Elder thought it was an excellent idea and put the call on speaker as well so Shado could join the conversation. Hearing the conversation, Ms. Emma suggested that the young men arrive Friday instead of Saturday. They could camp out in the front, that way they wouldn't have to drive back and forth between the two cabins. The Pass wasn't safe to drive at night and she would feel better if they just stayed in one place.  The area was big and private enough, Skylar asked Shado if the guys from his group could make it Friday, that way they could all experience and learn about the pipe ceremony.

Ms. Emma thought that was a wonderful idea as did Xael and the two women were happy to cook for everyone. Xael offered to fix the outdoor shower so the men could have hot showers outside. All she would have to do is clean out and connect the holding tank that was there. Once filled with hot water, it was enough for 3-4 showers. They could use the outhouse by the lodge, it was far enough away that they wouldn't disturb the lodge area.

Everything was set. Friday the guys would get there in the afternoon and set up their tents. The weather was forecasted to be nice and mild. Shado contacted his group and let them know and they were excited also. Shado gave the guys a list of things to bring and told them to bring food also so Emma and Xael didn't have to buy so much. Xael was excited to see her brothers again and to show them around.


The rest of the week was uneventful, Shado brought enough clothes to stay with Xael. She made sure he spent time with her pups and they warmed right up to him. They took to Skylar almost immediately as they knew he was an older and strong Alpha. Her Grams was surprised at how the pups got along with them. Xael was able to effectively control her heat as the two of them weren't constantly together like before.

Shado and Skylar did some work on the back deck by replacing some of the boards and Installed a better shower head and rebuilt the wooden shower stall after Xael connected the holding tank. The two also spent the evenings chopping wood for the lodge and for the fire pit. Seeing how the existing wood pile for the house was getting low, Skylar called a few folks around town to see if they had trees down. He and Shado hooked up a borrowed trailer to Skylar's truck and gathered the wood, rough cutting it to be dealt with later. The winters where they lived could be brutal so Skylar wanted to make sure the cabin was well stocked on fire wood.

Thursday evening while they were having dinner, Xael asked her Grams and Skylar if they would take care of her boys during her mating and they agreed. Her grandmother let her know that she was not responsible for any spoiling that they would receive. Xael shook her head, she already knew they would be spoiled rotten and that was fine, they deserved it.

During the evenings when the house had settled down, Xael and Adam would spend time cuddled in bed. Her pups were usually at the foot of the bed or on the couch. They used this time to continue talking and bonding with each other. Each learning more about their Mate.

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