Swaddled with Tiny Ears

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The babies finished the entire bottle of breast milk. They were eating a lot but Xael figured they needed to since they would be growing quickly in the first couple of months. Now Xael needed a shower. While Adam loved on their sons, she took a quick hot shower. She was still hurting a little but didn't want to take anything now that she was breastfeeding. Xael would just have Adam work on her while they slept.

Dressed in fresh sweats and tshirt, she put on another one of Adam's hoodies and went to one of the bags on the floor. It was from Ms. Ton'bo and Xael had almost forgotten she had them. They were moss bags for swaddling babies and they were better than the blankets she had. Adam had changed their diapers again and was letting the little ones 'air dry' for a bit. Xael gave him a kiss then they got the babies ready to go back out among the others.

The inner portion of the moss bag was slightly quilted to keep them warm, so Xael just put diapers on them. Swaddled up and each with a baby and furry pup by their side, the two went back out in the living room to see that Kai and Dentin had arrived.

The Alphas moved so that the new momma had plenty of room. Xael sat on the couch while Adam sat on the floor next to her so he could give Tank and Dozer some attention. With the babies swaddled, it was easy for Xael to hold both of them; babies facing each other, they rested on her chest.

"Well, well beautiful momma. How you doing?"

"Better. You want to hold one Kai?"

"Nooo, no. They need their momma right now."

"Mn. Uncle Dentin?"

"Hell yeah! Let me see one of those handsome little boys." Xael carefully handed a small bundle to the Elder Alpha. He knew not to pass up the chance to hold a newborn Wolfen Pup as it was a rare gift indeed to be trusted that deeply by an Omega.

Uncle Dentin held the little one just long enough to nuzzle and growl then returned him to his momma. Xael gently rubbed and patted the babies on the back as they rested against her. All that crying earlier had worn them out along with the full bellies.

Baby in a moss bag with buckskin laces

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Baby in a moss bag with buckskin laces

While everyone sat around and talked, Xael just loved on her babies. Adam would occasionally link her to see how she was doing and she was doing much better. Xael sat and inhaled the babies scents deeply, it was subtle and calming, strange for Alphas but anything was possible as far as Xael was concerned. She purred very lightly, just enough so the little Pups could feel the vibration. Happy and safe in their momma's arms, two pairs of tiny furry ears popped up from the top of their heads, surprising even their momma.

"What the hell?"

Adam looked up to see what was wrong.

"Well that's a first!" Kai was used to the ears from Xael but she was an Omega, to see the little Alphas display the same trait was strange but when everyone heard the Old one laughing, Xael relaxed.

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