A Time to Relax...

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Xael was the first one up. She moved about the tiny apartment quietly so she wouldn't wake her mate. Xael knew the day had the potential to be a highly emotional one so she wanted to dress comfortably. She was more excited to introduce her Grams to her mom's parents and Shado's dad. The meeting with the detectives, to her, was more for her Grandmother to have closure. Xael was too young to remember much. All she knew is that one day, they never came back but had given her tons of kisses, hugs and I love you's before they left. That moment, she would always have and no one could take that from her.

She lit some more sage to help calm her nerves, she would have to go out and gather more in the forest. It was abundant in their area but you had to go deep into the woods to get it. Xael also felt she needed to have a talk with her Grandfather the Alpha.  After talking to the Old One yesterday, she had questions and wanted answers. But for now she had an important trip to make to the city, and she wanted to get her pups so her Grams and Skylar could bond.

Dressed, she walked to her Alpha's side of the bed and nuzzled his head as she purred, slowly waking him up.

"Hey babe."

"Hey Alpha."

"What time is it?"

"Almost 7."

"Okay..." Adam sat up and inhaled deeply, the aroma from the sage filling his lungs. He could feel her slight nervousness so he nuzzled her, helping to calm her a little more.  A soft kiss and he got up to dress for work. He told her not to worry about breakfast.

With both of them dressed, they made their way to the diner where Grams and Skylar were already waiting, no doubt having their morning coffee.    Adam and Xael entered, the Omega quickly giving out hugs. She just wanted to get the meeting over with, she had plans for the week now that the diner was closed.

Skylar let Adam know that Beau was out sick and that he really needed him today so he could go over things. Ms. Emma told him it was fine and that Houser had called her last night letting her know that he would meet them there. The females gave their Mates a final hug and left for the city. Skylar was glad to have some alone time with Adam. As they walked to the station, Skylar needed to have a serious talk with him. Making it inside, they worked on getting things ready for the week.


"Yes sir?"

"Let's stop for a moment and talk."


Skylar motioned for him to have a seat as he sat on the corner of the desk. Him and Ms. Emma had a very long and intimate talk last night. Skylar was wanting to retire. Now that he and Emma were bonding, he saw no reason to continue working. He wanted to spend the rest of his time enjoying having a Mate once again as did she. He felt that Adam would be the perfect choice to head up their small police force and he was sure that Beau would be there to help him.

"Adam, I want you to take my place as Sheriff. I put in for my retirement."

Adam sat there for a bit to let it sink in. "Wh-w-what?"

"I said, I want you to take my place as Sheriff. Beau isn't interested in the position and I believe you would make an excellent Sheriff."


"Seriously. Now that me and Emma are bonding, we want to spend time enjoying being Mates."

"Oh wow...this is...this is. Yes!"

"Good!! I've already put the request in with the other Tribal leaders and they are all in agreement. Next week we'll get things finalized. Next month it will be official, Sheriff Shado!"

The two hugged each other. They were more like family now instead of co-workers and Adam wouldn't have it any other way. 

As they drove to the city, Ms. Emma was dying to know what happened at the Old One's and to have a chance to talk to her granddaughter alone.

"So my dear! Tell me about last night!"

"Ohhhhh grammy grammy grammy! I don't even know where to start. It was like a scene out of dances with wolves or some crazy fairytale crap!"

"Well what happened!?  Adam wouldn't tell me anything, the stinking little brat!"

"I got triggered as soon as they started down the road. Wolves showed up from everywhere, and I mean everywhere! It was Grandad."


"Yeah! And get this! Adams Great Grams, had one of dad's packmates as a pet, but he was so weak and dying. I guess he never recovered from his injuries from their pack being attacked.  She had found him and took him in."

"I see...go on, go on!"

Xael relayed all that had happened to them. The wolves stopping the vehicle, her shifting and healing the wolf. She even told her Grams how she had partially shifted due to being so weak afterwards and that the Old One said she wasn't really a Dire, but didn't know what she really was. Telling more of her Grandfather linking the others and the wolves leaving, the were both in shock. Ms. Emma more than Xael.

"Whooa!! This is all so unreal!"

"I know. It was exhausting to."

"I believe it hon. But Adam or your Grandfather wouldn't let anything bad happen to you."

"I know."

The two shared a chuckle to help lighten the mood.

"I think I need to have a talk to my Grandfather and soon."

"I think you do too dear. I haven't had much exposure to him, even though I raised his son. I think he's been waiting for you to come to him."

"Yeah, I have that feeling too. Well since the diner is closed this week, I'm going to make that a priority, plus I need to gather some more wild sage. We've been burning it a lot lately!"

Ms. Emma had to laugh, but now she had something very important to talk to Xael about.

"Xael dear?"

"Yeah Grams?"

"I want you to have the diner."

"You what?" Xael wasn't sure she had heard her correctly. Well she did, but couldn't believe what she was saying.

"Skylar and I had a serious talk last night. We both want to retire and enjoying being Mates. So I want you to take over the diner. I'm sure Vicki and Ester will support you, they're both very fond of you!"

"Wow Grams, you're really giving me the diner?"

"Yes dear! Haven't you been listening?"


Ms. Emma hugged her granddaughter and clapped joyously. She wanted to keep the diner in the family for as long as she could, plus Xael was an excellent cook.

"On one condition!"

"Condition? And what is that?"

"I'm changing the name to Ms. Emma's!"

"Ohhhhhhh You little stinker butt!! I love you dear."

"I love too Grammy. Thank you for always being there for me."

The two drove on, chatting away. 

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