My Timid Omega*

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Xael gently started to shake her Alpha. "Adam? Adam?" He bolted awake, worried that something was wrong. He looked over to see Xael sitting next to him, still nude with her wild bed head hair going everywhere as she glared at him.

"Please don't be in heat again!"

Xael punched in the arm, hard. "Dork! I'm hungry!"

"Ow!" It took Shado a minute to fully wake up. "Shit, that hurt babe!"

Xael touched his arm and the pain instantly went away. Shado looked at her.

"How d'you do that?"

"It's a secret." He shook his head at her. She was certainly a handful.

"I'll fix you some more broth." Xael let out a loud whimper.


"I'm sick of broth, I need real food. Can we go to the diner?"

"Xael, it's 6:30 in the morning, no one's there!"

"Yes they are, I can smell them, Grams already has the coffee on."

Shado looked at her in disbelief. He hopped out of bed, naked and looked out the window, sure enough. Ms. Emma and Skylar were in the diner.

"You sure you want to be around others?"

"You're with me, plus I really need to eat something and it's only Grams and Skylar.  They're family."

Shado yawned and stretched. "Ok, let's go before it gets crowded, I don't want you around a lot of people just yet." Xael clapped her hands and jumped out of bed. Naked she rushed to take a quick shower.

She came out wrapped in a towel to see Shado had already dressed. She put on undies, sweats and another one of his t-shirts, she also grabbed his hoody. Even though she wanted to go out, she wanted to shield herself from others as much as she could and the hoody was perfect for that. Shado just had on sweatpants and a tshirt. Putting on shoes, they made their way to the door, Xael was instantly at his side.

"You okay babe?"


The two walked across the street to the diner. Ms. Emma had left the door open so Shado leaned inside.

"Morning, can we come in?" Shado entered first, Xael was strategically standing behind him, out of the view of the others. The hood from the hoody pulled low over her face, hiding her eyes. Ms. Emma and Skylar both turned.

"Your hair!"

Shado ran his hand through the chunky layers and gave a chuckle. "Yeah...I needed to."

The two didn't even notice the Omega standing behind him. "Where's Xael?" Skylar was worried that he had left her alone so soon after mating. Shado simply pointed behind him, but she remained quiet.

"Morning Pupkins!" She stayed quiet as the grip she had on the back of her Mate's shirt tightened. Shado turned to her.

"You okay baby?"

{Yeah...I just don't want to talk to anyone}

Shado led her over to a booth which she quickly darted into and whimpered slightly for him to hurry up and sit down. The two older ones saw her. There was no mistake from how she was acting that Xael was truly an Omega.

Once Shado had set down, Xael was clinging to his side, her arms wrapped around his. She had the hood pulled as low as it would go and her face buried behind his shoulder. He felt her relax a little. Skylar and her Grams approached causing Xael to tighten her grip around her Mates arm. She was picking up Skylar's Alpha scent. He stopped as if he could sense Xael's uneasiness.

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