The Birds & The Bees & Omegas #2*

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After dinner, Xael did exactly what Skylar thought she would do. She went to sleep. Going straight to her room after doing the dishes, she collapsed on the bed. Her pups didn't bother to move from their spot, laying on the floor by the couch, as they knew she was well protected and not in any distress. Skylar let Shado know he wanted to talk to him alone on the back deck. Her Grams would be inside watching over her if she needed anything. Shado wanted to stay with her, but figured it was best to honor what his Elder wanted. The two headed to the deck as Ms. Emma looked at them and smiled.  Again she was thrilled that they were taking things slow.

The Alphas made it to the deck and took up seats around the unlit fire pit. "Adam, I'm gonna be straight with you. Xael's getting ready to go into a massive heat. Her body can't help it, especially since she's never really mated yet and this seems to be her first real heat. That's why she's been sleeping so much, her body is forcing her to conserve energy. The more time she spends with you, the more you're triggering her hormones and the more she has to fight to control it."

"I'm what??"

"You heard me...True Alpha."

" know?"


"How long have you known."

"I knew from the way Xael reacted to you when you came into the kitchen earlier, my Mate acted the same way.  Always tired, irritable, clingy."

" mean you're-"

"Like recognizes like, young Alpha."

"Whoa Sheriff, I had no idea you were a True Alpha."

"Yeah. I keep it hidden just like you. People tend to treat us differently for some reason. But that's not what I want to talk to you about. I want to talk to you about Xael and her being an Omega since you've never been with one."

"Okay, what about it?"

"You probably started her heat the moment she let you scent her. She's fighting her body to stay in control of not letting her heat start until you know what to expect and what she needs from you. Plus she may not be emotionally ready to mate yet. You need to be careful when you two do mate Adam, you have the potential to seriously hurt her. Even though she's strong, you're a True Alpha. Her Grandmother said she's not a typical Omega, which we both know, but still. Once you mate, you do not leave her side, do you understand?"

"I don't understand, why does everyone think I'll hurt her?"

"Because that's the nature of a True Alpha. Once we get exposed to our Mate's full scent, especially when it's an Omega in heat, our wolves will take over. When that happens, they will make their Omegas submit to them. Xael is not one to submit so easily, and neither will her wolf. She's taking extra care and time so that her wolf grows to trust you. The more her wolf trusts you, the less force your wolf will use when mating. My Mate and I were the same way. We took an entire two weeks to build trust between us, and even then, I unintentionally hurt her when I lost control. It took her 2 weeks to heal and recover, and I never left her side for a second.

An Omega's heat scent, especially an unmated Omega, is nothing to fool around with. It's dangerous for them to be around Alphas.  Unmated Alphas have been known to kill Omegas in heat, the scent drives them out of their minds, literally.   Xael knows this, which is why I think she's kept hers suppressed. Now do you understand?"

Shado had to sit there for a minute with his head in his hands, letting everything the Elder Alpha had just told him sink in.

"I understand."

"Good, Omegas are a complete 180 from female Alphas. Xael will be extremely vulnerable after mating. She will need you next to her, healing her until she recovers, I'm sure she'll tell you all this when you talk but I want to make sure you know. Xael will need you to protect her. And she'll be clingy, but that's only because of the vulnerability Omegas experience after mating.  So don't be surprised if you find yourself being super protective of her afterwards. Even though she can go into Alpha mode, she's still an Omega."

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