Chapter 41

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Disclaimer: There is/are some curses, as well as mentions of abuse like the previous and future chapters here so if you are not comfortable with that, please feel free to not read the book/chapter.


Looking up at the sky, Melissa couldn't help herself from thinking what if she didn't gave all her of herself and her love to that man. She went inside her room and look for a new book to read because she's done reading her book. She saw that one of her books, Romeo and Juliet, is not on her bookshelf then she remembered that Chris is staying with her. She was oriented by David and Chris by what is happening, that Blake might be planning on something to do to her, which they hope he doesn't, and decided that one person should stay with her, Chris volunteered.

She walked down the stairs and saw him sitting comfortably on her couch, reading her book. "Comfortable?" She asked, smiling.

Chris looked up from the book with a focused face but immediately smiled when he saw Melissa's face. "Oh, yeah, of course," he placed the book down. "Also, I, uh, borrowed your book."

"I noticed," Melissa smiled. There was a period of silence before Melissa spoke again. "I'm just wondering... why of all my books on the shelf, you chose that?" She pointed at the Romeo and Juliet book.

Chris looked at the book and smiled. "I don't know. Every time I read it, it just feels magical."

Melissa frowned. "Magical? That's a tragical story," she then looked up and smiled jokingly. "Christopher, are you a hopeless romantic?"

"Hey, no," Chris sat down properly and looked at her. "You know.. like they fell in love and can't live without each other. They were willing to die if the other one died. They're just... so honest and loyal."

Melissa nodded, she understood his point. "Do you want to have that kind of relationship? Like loyal and honest?" she asked all of a sudden, making Chris look at her.

"I want to have a relationship without pressure, a relationship pure of love. Honest and loyal, of course I'd love that but mainly, I want to love my partner with all of my heart." Chris replied, staring at her blue eyes.

They stayed there for a while with pure silence, just two people in their own thoughts.

Suddenly, Melissa asks, "are we dating?"

Chris was surprised to hear her ask such question. He shrugged before replying. "I don't want that decision to come from me. It's fine with me if you don't want to. You told me that you are not ready for a relationship but going out as.. friends, it's fine."

"Special friend," Melissa replied with a smile. "I guess I am not ready yet especially now that he is near us, he could destroy everything. I can't show him that I have someone to lean on, that I am in a relationship. He will destroy everything and hurt you, he'll use you against me."

Chris nodded, trying to understand everything. But what is stuck into his mind is that Melissa is actually considering on going on a relationship with her and not only 'going out as special friends'.


The next day, the secret department was full of agents who were very busy fulfilling their tasks and trying to finish the mission assigned to them, mostly the case of Blake. Calista, the Vice President, is still staying there until Blake is arrested. She has her own small office inside there because she said she can't live without working. Nonetheless, she is always outside her office especially during the day and socializing with the agents or checking their works. She works her vice presidential duties during the evening until early morning.

"Good morning, agents," Calista greeted them as they pass by her on the front door of her office. "Do any of you wants to buy me a coffee? I have a particular temperature and particular taste but in our situation, I can drink anything."

Jeremy passed by her and heard her, he stopped while holding the iPad on his hand. "Good morning, Miss Vice President. Some of the not-so-busy agents can buy your drink with the particular things you need, we're not in a crisis yet, ma'am."

Calista sighed and closed the door behind her. "Child, if you don't think that this is not considered a crisis, I don't think you're smart. It may not seem like a crisis not but trust my words, once no one fixes this and once this Blake guy gets enough courage, he will attack and bring crisis to you. For all my years becoming a politician and before that, a CEO of a company, until now actually, I've learned how to give advices and some.. let's just say minor predictions. And let me tell ya, they've all been right. I just hope I am wrong this time."

Jeremy gave her a scared face. He just nodded and told her to ask one of the agents to get her a coffee.

"Well, thank you," Calista said, starting to walk away from him but stopped midway. "But remember what I told you."


Inside the dark room, stood a man and a woman. They are talking, whispering rather.

"Blake, you know that I mean it when I said I will help you with the finances of whatever this thing you have gotten yourself into, right?" The woman said, caressing Blake's cheeks.

Blake took her hand away from his face, he smirked. "I know you do. Trust me. I know you want your shitty boy back," he smiled at her, making her a bit comfortable but got back to her confident posture. "You are married, aren't you, Hanna? You have a child."

"I don't have Chris," she smiled sheepishly. "I was happy with my husband but he was different. Chris is hard to pleasure, he is a challenge. He may be an FBI agent, he can be easily manipulated," she removed her hand from his touch. "Like your sweet, innocent girl."

"My girl," Blake muttered under his breath. "I've missed her so much. I loved her, you know? And seeing her love me back and willing to do anything except what I wanted and needed the most, challenging but fun."

Hanna looked at him, his eyes are crazy, she noted. "You hurt her." It was not a question, it was a statement. She was never hurt by a man, especially Chris, who was the sweetest.

"I did." Blake said casually but proudly. "And I am willing to do it once again. Again and again. For the sake of my fun and pleasure and this mission of owning the country. My girl is an agent, she seems strong and smart but once she falls, falls into my trap, she will be fucked. She will be doomed. She will be inside her nightmare."


Note: The chapters to be posted weren't proofread or beta'd so I apologize for any mistakes.

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