Chapter 39

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Stars. Stars are shining brightly up above the sky, giving light to the dark, sad night sky as the cars on the street drove past each other. The girls, Melissa, Chyler, and Katie are inside Melissa's car, Chyler is driving, to go to her house to relax for a short period of time. Katie has been working with them for a week now. She first came all confident but soon after, they immediately got close to her. She helped the team to prevent hacking the FBI, Jeremy was in awe of her because of her knowledge in technology.

"We're here," Chyler exclaimed when they reached a white, two-story home.

Katie, who is sitting in the front seat, was the first one to go down and waited for the two girls. Chyler went inside her house first, followed by Melissa then Katie.

"Do you live by yourself?" Katie asked, looking around the house. The house is very simple in the inside but it is beautiful.

Chyler placed her bag on the couch, Melissa followed her and sat on the couch besides her bag. "I do now. Before, my husband and two children live here with me but we decided to move to Washington because I requested to be transferred in one of the stations."

Melissa yawned and stretched her arms and legs. "Can we not talk about work and just relax even just for tonight?"

"My question wasn't about work," Katie defended. "I asked about her life."

"Okay, well, what are we supposed to do here tonight? My house is literally empty." Chyler replied.

Katie stood up and asked for Chyler's permission to go to the kitchen. When Chyler nodded, she went to the fridge and opened it. "You didn't lie when you said your house is empty."

Melissa pouted and looked at Chyler. "You don't have food????"

"Hey," Chyler replied, pointing at Melissa and shaking her head. "No pouting and no puppy eyes. I'm not going to go out and buy grocery just for tonight. I have a few things there, let's just eat those."

Katie smiled, triumphantly. "She have beer!"

"Unfair," Melissa pouted again. "I don't drink."

Chyler shook her head. She stood up and went to Katie to get two glasses for their beer. "Nerd." She commented.

"I'm a nerd, too. But I know how to have fun." Katie said, bringing her glass to her lips. "It's been a while since I tasted this thing right here."

Chyler agreed. "We should go to the bar when everything is fine." She suggested. Melissa is just sitting in the couch, looking at them, not planning on drinking tonight.

"You sure you're not drinking?" Katie asked, she just received a 'no' as an answer.

After drinking, Katie and Chyler sat on the couch, Chyler besides Melissa and Katie on the couch in front of them.


The boys, on the other hand, went to David's apartment. David, Chris, and Jeremy were gathered together on the living room to discuss about work.

Jeremy yawned while looking at the laptop. Chris looked at him, trying to stifle a laugh. Jeremy looked back at him, questioningly. "What?"

"Nothing," Chris chuckled. "You seem tired, do you wanna sleep?"

"No sleeping yet," David said while relaxing o his couch. He grabbed the cup of coffee he prepared earlier. "I am hoping to at least track him tonight."

"Tonight?" Chris asked. "We tracked him using the thing that Jeremy placed on the FBI's system."

David placed back his cup on the table and shook his head. "That was a real address. Although, when I asked some agents to check it out, they said it is empty. So, unfortunately, our enemy loves to stay in different properties."

"I am sorry but can I ask something?" Jeremy asked. Chris and David looked at him and nodded. "How are we supposed to track him without the power of the secret department's computers and technology."

Chris smiled. "That is why we have the director for that."

They started working quietly. No one said a word and just typed on their own laptop. Quietly, they hoped and prayed to find an address where their enemy, Blake, is currently staying. They decided to bring their work away from the department to give some rest and break to the other agents. Suddenly, Jeremy shot up from his seat with a shock look on his face. Both Chris and David looked at him, questioningly.

Jeremy inhaled then exhaled, trying to calm down his nerves. "I... I think I found something," he said, making the two men looked at him interestingly but not saying a word. "The... This something is and address, once again. Why do I keep finding addresses? I don't know but doesn't matter, right? Anyway, it's... it's near."

Chris stood up, hands folded on his chest. "What? Where is it? Show it to us."

David shot Jeremy a look telling him to go on.

"It's... it's near the secret department, near the FBI." Jeremy bit his lip.

"Just to be clear," David said. "OUR department? Like our department is the main secret department building and there are many branches. Also, the FBI below our department? Not Agent McGrath's FBI?"

"Exactly," Jeremy replied, showing the screen of his laptop.

Chris got worried, he knows Melissa's house and it is near the secret department, like she said, she likes going to work early. He hoped that he is not right with his theory. David noticed his change of mood and asked, "Are you alright, Chris?"

Chris shook his head. "No," he sighed. "You know that this guy and Melissa had a past, right?" David nodded at him, Jeremy shook his head but Chris decided to go on. "She had an awful days... years with him. And Melissa's house is near the secret department. When you said that the current address is near the department, I just... I have this theory that it's not because he tracked our computers but found out about Melissa's home. I just hope I am not correct but he...he already called her and threatened her."

David tapped his shoulders, like a father. "Don't worry, Chris," he smiled and nodded. "We will make sure that she is safe and alright. For now, let's go to my office and file this report. "

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