Chapter 28

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Few days have passed since that day that they arrested the boss. Since then, they haven't seen any movement from any other possible ally. Few days have passed, too, since that night when Melissa told Chris about her past, about the story of her abuse, and also the night when Chris confessed to her that he wants to know more about her. That night, Melissa asked him if that means he wants to date her, he just smiled and went to bed.

Now, Melissa is still very confused and troubled. They are about to go back home, where their main station is, and home, Los Angeles.

They have decided to ride a normal plane going back since they are not in a hurry. While walking with Chris in the airport, Melissa decided to bring up the topic. "Hey," She said to get his attention, which she did. "Remember few nights ago? When I told you about... you know. You forgot to answer my question."

Chris acted confused. "Huh? What question? I don't remember."

Melissa shook her head. "You know you're a bad liar. Now, just tell me. I might have the answer to your question too, you don't know."

Chris shook his head. "I just... I mean, I wanna know you better. I like you and I want to know you, your life, and everything else. I want to date you, yes, but I know you are not ready. You experienced abuse and that is traumatizing, that is something that even I have never experienced before. I want to tell you about me, about my life, and I don't know if you'll be comfortable around me so... just forget it. I can be friends with you, I am a good friend."

"You know what," Melissa replied while smiling and shaking her head. "You speak a lot. I just asked you to answer my questions but Chris, I want to know you more too. I feel the same way but yes, I am not ready yet. I am not ready for a relationship but I am not scared to start knowing you better."

Chris smiled. "Yes. Are we like, close friends?"

Melissa nodded with a smile. "Just close friends for now. Let's just see where this brings us, alright?"

Chris nodded and smiled, a smile that hasn't been seen in his face for so long. They waited for their plane to come and boarded. Once they are inside the plane, they relaxed. There is a huge possibility that they are done with the mission so it is a very great day. They are happy, after a long time of keeping their issues and problems to themselves, they are finally happy.

After some hours, their plane finally landed and they decided to call it a night and separated their ways. Both of them are tired. Melissa cleaned herself up to prepare for bed and for the first time in a while, didn't need to read a whole book just to be able to sleep, for the first time she didn't have a nightmare. Chris, on the other hand, prepared for bed with a smile on his face and literally slept immediately.


The next day, both of them went early to the station, only to see that they both came in the same time. The other agents, including the director were waiting for them with a smile on their faces and clapping.

The director approached them. "Agent Benoist and Agent Wood, I am very proud of the both of you. You have proven a lot. Both of you." The agents thanked him with a smile, too. "And because of the both of you, I have decided to change the history of directors. You both showed courage even if we weren't able to give an undercover name for the both of you. That gave me the courage to inform you about my name. The directors before me were.. let's just say, they were being careful with their identities and decided to keep theirs once they became a director. Only the older agents here know my name, the agents who saw me as a regular agent like them. Both of you don't know my name, too."

Melissa looked at the director. "Aren't you scared? Base on my analysis, directors do this to protect themselves, their identities, their families, and even the department."

"And your analysis is always correct, Agent Benoist. Yes, those were supposed to be the main reasons why we keep our identities. But to think of it, everyone in this room knows who is who. Who that agent is. But you don't know who I am. It is unfair for everyone if it's only my identity that is kept from all of you." The director tried to explain. "Before, even the agents' names were kept from other agents to avoid being blown out but one director before me removed that and said this should be a normal working place where agents will be able to have friends and to know the names of their friends, so that's that."

The director sighed and looked at the agents. He believes in them and trusts them so much. "My name is David Harewood. You may call me Director Harewood."

Melissa smiled, she can finally thank her director, mentor, and the person who is already like her dad. "Then, thank you, Director Harewood. For all the things you've thought each agent here in this room, for everything."

"It's my pleasure working with each and everyone of you. I've seen and want to see more of your improvements as an individual agent and as a whole group, a department." The director, David, said and dismissed everyone then told the two agents, Melissa and Chris to follow him in his office.

"Agents," He started with a smile. "I already told you that I am very proud of the both of you. You solved and arrested the suspects for just a very short period of time. Thank you for doing your best and for keeping the whole country safe. You both are secret heroes."

Chris smiled, feeling happy that he has finally done a huge mission and solved it. "It's our pleasure, sir. Thank you for trusting us."

"No problem. I want to personally thank you. Melissa, I know you know all about this department, this unit. You know the history. Before, we were just a part of the secret detective unit of the FBI but we were given a chance to build our own department, which is this. In Secret Detective Unit, they had ranks. Now, it seems like we do not have one but we have. It is not just told but shown. I am the Director which is like the Chief. I will promote your rank because of many reasons but the main reason is you deserve it. I can't tell you, or anyone, your rank due to the rule of our department." Director Harewood said, smiling. Melissa was shocked to hear the news, she didn't know that they have ranks and that she will be promoted. Chris smiled, too, proud of her because he knows she deserves it. "You, Agent Wood, I will promote you too. A promotion that will give you your own office. You've proven yourself and I am very proud of you."

The two agents thanked their Director and left the office. They both went to their respective offices, which are just a few rooms away from each other.



Hello, I just want to make this clear. The things said in this chapter (this book, actually) are all products of my imagination, including the 'department' and their rules and/laws, they don't exist in real life, not that I know of. It's just like the DEO in 'Supergirl' but there's no aliens. I hope that I made that clear. Thank you.

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