Chapter 14

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A day they've been waiting for. The day of the mysterious, suspicious formal gathering that they're still not sure where it will hold place. Chris is wearing an all black suit and a round neck. Melissa is wearing a black, above the knees dress that is not too revealing, with a black blazer with gold details on it in case she gets cold, and a simple black heels.

Chris is driving the car, a phone in hand, ready to start the recording that Melissa told him to do in case they hear anything that's important, they have proof. They also brought one weapon for each of them, a gun specifically made for secret agents that won't be detected in metal detector and that isn't very obvious in pockets and bags.

"We don't even know where this gathering is." Chris realized then chuckled softly.

Meliss chuckled with him. She grabbed some trackers that are very small and can't be seen when placed on an item. She gave it to him. "It's either the hotel or the Charters. Also, those are trackers. Just discretely place those on an important item if we ever encounter the boss or the trusted person. Or just somebody that seems to know a lot."

"Can I place these directly to them?"

"I don't think so," Melissa shrugged. "I haven't tried it. They dress up and when the clothes are in the laundry, the tracker might break."

They saw cars piling up the hotel so they thought that might be the place where it will be held. Before going inside, Chris asked, "why are we wearing these though? I thought the plan was to pretend as security."

"Yeah, we'll pretend we're here for the party at first then we'll look for the place where the security are, 60% possibility that it's outside the hotel, because most suspicious places are. Then, we'll pretend we're in trouble, to be specific our car got lost and we just forgot something and came back to get it. Just say you saw someone drive the car all the way over there." She said pointing at a direction.

They went out of the car and searched for the security's post. Soon, they saw the post with two guards waiting. They approached them.

Melissa started with worry in her face, acting. "Good evening, sir. Our car is missing."

The guards looked at them, alarmed.

"We left our car to join inside but then my girlfriend forgot something so we came back. The car is gone at that time and I saw it going over to that direction." Chris said, pointing at the direction he's saying. "Please help us get our car back." They're wearing masks for the party because it looks like a masquerade party since people entering all have their masks on. The guards won't be able to identify them when they're not wearing the masks plus the darkness of the night.

The guards looked at each other and nodded at them. "We'll fix this, ma'am and sir. For now, please go back to the party. We'll do our best."

They left the agents alone in the post. When Melissa and Chris are sure that no one will see them, they dressed up in the uniform that was left inside, Melissa's uniform is a bit loose and big for her but it's not important. They have a cap with the uniform and they adjusted it so that no one will recognize them. Melissa tied her hair before putting the cap. They entered without trouble, scanning through the sea of people inside, they spotted the boss's trusted person. Soon enough, Melissa and Chris spotted John Williams at the back, talking to someone and having a drink. Melissa and Chris nodded at each other. Melissa took the way to the boss while Chris went to John. Melissa swiftly walked into the boss's man and placed the tracker on his wallet, it was so fast that not even the boss noticed she planted something on him. He was just shocked by the sudden movement but when he saw the uniform, he just nodded at her and went back to business. Chris, on the other hand, had a different tactic. He approached John and talked to him with a deeper voice than his usual.

"Good evening sir," Chris said, holding his hand in front of him. "I hope you're enjoying the night. I'm here to make sure everything is in order. Tell me if you need anything or if something is in trouble."

John Williams was shocked at first but smiled immediately. "Oh, thank you. Your security is pretty great in here so I am sure that I'll be safe." He gave his hand. Chris instantly placed the tracker on his ring.

Both of the agents were satisfied with what they did. The only thing they're waiting for is the boss to show up so that they can place a tracker on him, but after a few hours of walking around the room, scanning every people and even placing trackers on some of the people they find suspicious, he didn't attend the party. Soon enough, the party is finished. There wasn't any suspicious things and discussions but they aren't sure of that because there was a VIP room where Melissa suspected that the boss is in there so she made sure that whoever enters that room will have a tracker with them.

Before the party ended, they hurriedly went out to give the uniforms back. Fortunately, the guards that they've fooled aren't there yet so they dressed up to what they were wearing before but this time without the masks and went to the car where they sighed deeply.

"It's done." Melissa smiled, satisfied.


"The boss didn't attend but I am pretty sure he was inside that VIP room," Melissa said as Chris started driving away from the hotel. "I placed trackers on every person who went inside that room."

The car fell silent. When they were nearing the village where the house is, Melissa was surprised when Chris maneuvered to the left, opposite of where the village's direction is.

Melissa looked at him. He's serious while looking at the rear-view mirror. "Someone's following us."



Hi! Sorry if I keep forgetting to update these days :( it's because of school and I have a LOT of fanfic plots in mind that I've been writing but I'm not sure if I have the guts to publish them. I have like 3 unpublished stories LOL but for now, let's focus on this story ;)

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