Chapter 11

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Melissa's worried for Chris. They don't know who this man is and she keeps overthinking that it's someone from the culprit and they found out that they've been investigating them.

Chris came back inside the house and immediately went upstairs, he saw Melissa sitted. "You. Rest." Melissa looked at him and shook her head, she coughed a little.

"See," Chris said. "You're sick. Just rest. Nothing's wrong, I promise."

"Who was that?" Melissa askes, ignoring what he just said to her.

"A survey man," Chris replied then grabbed his phone where the recording is. "I recorded it, like what you told me." He played it. Melissa listened intently and when she heard the name, she instantly remembered something.

"Williams," she repeated. Christ paused the recording and looked at her, telling her to continue. "Williams. That's the lastname that the director told me. Agent Williams. There are a lot of Williams in the world, this might be a coincidence but we should add it to our list."

Chris nodded. "I'll do it later. The recording will stay in the phone. Don't rush yourself, alright. You're still sick."

"This is just a fever," Melissa replied while trying to stand up but her legs are still too weak to support her body. "Ugh, fine. I'll be fine though."

Chris shook his head and chuckled. "You're unbelievable. Just rest, Melissa."

"Mel," Melissa suddenly said, Chris was shocked, he was confused. "Just call me Mel. It's my nickname, my friends call me that."

"Mel," Chris tested her name in his tongue. "Sooo, we're friends now?"

Melissa lied down and sighed. "Maybe. We're stuck with each other for who knows how long. I rather live with my friend than a stranger so yes, you're a friend. Plus, you're taking care of me while I'm sick, I appreciate that. Thank you."

"That's the second thank you for today. You're only allowed to say thank you thrice everyday." Chris said, Melissa is now half asleep.

"Thank you." She mumbles. Chris laughed and thought, "She's trusting me. She's starting to trust me."


Few hours later, Chris decided to go down and cook for dinner but then he remembered Melissa wanted some soup for dinner so he wrote a note beside her and left the house to find some soup.

Melissa woke up with still throbbing headache. "It's hard to breathe now," she thought. She's a little asleep when she noticed that Chris is not at home because his phone is not on the bedside table. She then saw the note beside her saying, "Hey, if you ever wake up and wonder where I am, I just went out to buy soup. Just rest and don't stress yourself out, MEL. - Chris." She smiled as she read it again. She stood up, balanced herself in order for her to not fall on the ground and went towards her bag, the bag she brought with her. She opened it and picked up a photo with three ladies – her mom, her grandmother, and her. Tears started running down her face once again but she immediately wiped them. She calmed herself down and sat on the couch for a while, she saw Chris's bag and saw a photo on the floor beside it. She stood up and picked it up, not wanting to see who the people are because she wanted to respect his privacy but accidentally turned the photo over. In the photo was a lady and two men which includes Chris. Melissa placed the photo back inside the bag.

Chris went home with the soup and some food for him. He placed the soup in a clean bowl and brought it to Melissa who's currently sitting on the couch, overlooking the outside–the sky.

"The sky is beautiful, isn't? The stars are very visible tonight." Chris said, admiring the beauty of the sky. Melissa was about to answer but instead coughed a couple of times, this time with a bit whistles and wheezings. Chris noticed this so he placed the soup on the bedside table and approached her, softly and carefully rubbing her back. "You okay?"

Melissa inhaled then exhaled. "Yeah."

"Why don't we bring you to the doctor tomorrow?" Chris asked, worried.

Melissa was about to argue when she coughed hard. Chris looked at her with worry in his eyes. "I guess that's a yes? You sound so sick."

Melissa nodded and asked Chris to bring her the soup. Chris gave her the soup but she has no energy to hold it for long so Chris scooped some soup and fed it to her. Afterwards, they got ready for bed. Melissa, this time, was the first one to sleep. Chris, on the other hand, looked at the ceiling.

Chris thought, "I wonder what is she up to right now. Shut up, Christopher, she's married now. Focus on your future, focus on Melissa." Chris then turned to Melissa who's sleeping and currently having a hard time to breathe properly. Chris whispered, "I hope I can take your pain away."

Chris walked to the window and looked at the sky once again. Stars are one of his favorite things to look at especially when he's sad but when he needed to see them before, they weren't visible, they weren't there for him. He looked over back at the girl who he likes and loves even just for a few days of knowing her and smiled. He thought, maybe what happened is really a blessing and a way for him to find Melissa. He walked over to his bag to check his items, he saw a calling card which was given to him a few weeks before he got into this mission, a calling card of the man that might give him answers that he's not sure if he wants to know right now. Either way, he won't be able to call or text this person in his current situation. Nonetheless, he'll find a way if he really thinks he needs to.

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