Chapter 20

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A few days after the meeting with Jim Benoist, the two agents went back to their work inside the hideout. They tried everything that they can do to find any proofs and leads about the plans of the culprits. Day and night, they are working on it, tracking the whereabouts, doing everything they can to find out what they are up to.

"There's no chance." Chris stated with frustration.

Melissa looked at him and smiled a bit. "Well, I think we could ask for help."

"Help? Your father?"

Melissa shook her head and grabbed her phone. "The director."

"Question," Chris suddenly said before Melissa was able to dial the director's phone. "Why do we say 'the director' and not like his name?"

"Part of the rules, I think," Melissa explained. "He is the director and his identity should be protected in every way we can. But yeah, I don't know the exact reason, no one actually."

Chris nodded. Melissa dialed the director's phone and talked to him. She asked what they could do to find out their plan; the director didn't say anything in particular but he told them that they need all the help that they could find. Melissa knew what he meant. It meant that they should ask for her father's help.

"I guess I'm right, aren't I?" Chris said with a smirk on his face.

Melissa rolled her eyes. "Well, I guess so."

They got ready and went to the hidden station where the director told them to go to because Jim will be there too. Melissa didn't argue because she knows that they're running out of time. The suspects are working fast and they don't know when they'll strike again or if they will strike. Once they reached the station, Jim is already in there. He is in a questioning room where an agent is guarding him; part of the protocol.

Melissa and Chris entered the questioning room. Melissa nodded at the agent, signaling him that he can now go out.

Both Chris and Melissa sat down, facing Jim.

"So," Jim started. "I'm ready. Ask me anything."

Melissa sighed. "Before we start, can you promise me anything you say here are true and honest?"

Jim nodded. "I promise."

"Can you also promise that all the things you know about the department, including us, our identities, and the existence of this department will be kept secret from the outside world?" Melissa asked once again.

"I kept it a promise before so, yes, I promise."

"Good. Now, I will go straight to the point. We need your help and that means you can work with us, like an agent you used to be. But before we do that, you'll need to sign the papers that the director will be asking you to sign. You are the only person who we could trust in this case as of now so we don't have any choice. You are also their target so you may know something about them, what they want from you and why they want you in their team. You will be stating everything that you know about them, about their plans." Melissa said.

Jim looked at the both of them. He couldn't believe that he could work again as a secret agent especially work with his daughter. He smiled. "Yes, I will do everything you ask me to. You won't regret this, agents. I will do my best to be a good help to everyone."

Melissa looked at Chris, encouraging him to say something.

"Before that, please tell us if you know any of their plans." Chris finally said.

Jim sighed. "I don't know enough but I think I am the person who knows the most. They talked to me, confessing everything but I don't know if everything is true. He, the boss, told me the reason why he's doing this. He was a government official, I don't know what kind, he could be a police, soldier, politician. He said that at first, he thought being a part of the government, working in and with the government is the greatest decision of his life but as years goes on, his works and his service weren't being recognized and so he left. When he left, he was expecting the government to beg and ask him to come back because of all the work he's spent but they didn't. He went directly to the President but he wasn't available, he's always busy. So, with the knowledge he has, he hacked the main computer of the President, got all the files, names and stuff. As years goes on, he gathered people who were like him and they hacked and killed the people that were in the list or the people that tried to interfere with their work. Fortunately, the secret department of the FBI wasn't registered there because our names – your names are registered under the FBI, still."

"He's hurt," Melissa stated. "It's his feelings that caused him to do what he's doing. If we move fast, we can still change his heart for the better."

Jim shook his head. "He's been doing this for so many years already. I don't know if his heart will ever change."

"No. Everyone can change as long as they have a heart. He has one, that's why he was able to do this. Because he has a heart, he has feelings that he cares about." Melissa argued.

"Okay, okay. After Mr. Benoist finish signing the papers, we could all go back to our hideout and get to work." Chris interfered, he sensed a tension, that's why.

The director emailed all the papers that needed to be signed by Jim. He signed everything before going with the two in their hideout. They need to hide him because he's the target but they all need their help to be able to determine their plan.

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