They were all meeting up to try discussing and compromise again, trying to find a way to get a practice venue which will suit them all. They have all tried calling some friends and favours but so far, they have come up with nothing. It was super hard to be able to get resources when their families are not so high up and successful like the rich kids who just snap their fingers and get what they want. Hell, Jennie, and Kai even have their own dance rooms with their names on it. And Lisa knows this because she has walked past it when she has gone super early in the morning or late in the evening I and spotting the feline still dancing despite it being past her time of practice. While she can't stand sight the sight of her, Lisa couldn't help but linger a few times as she passed the room, watching the brunette dancing and watching herself intensely in the mirror. She was very talented, something which Lisa couldn't help but admit. She has been taught to never lie and she will not start, even if it means acknowledging the talent of the woman who hates her guts.

"We could maybe ask the school for a set place for us to dance. Maybe some kind of deal?' Lisa suggested, only to be met with an annoyed Chungha.

"I've already tried that, and their response was, 'while it is a good idea, we cannot cut time into the other students' slots. I'm sorry, but you will have to practice in your assigned slots'. So, in other words, I must just get stuffed."

"Damn, once I'm rich and successful, I'm going to sue their as for unfair treatment. Let them suffer from my lawyer wrath." Lay declared, his jaw clenching as he spoke. Everyone couldn't help but chuckle at his words. While he was a dance major, he was also taking up law just in case dancing doesn't work out. Smart and brave, yet also stupid considering that it is his schedule and timetable is the hardest to work around because of all his law classes.

"Please split the bounty with us. We all deserve a piece." BamBam said. Lay smiled and held out his hand and the two shook hands between them.


Every laughed and Lisa noticed that Jungkook had his arms crossed and looked hard in thought. With getting to know him, Lisa has learnt that Jungkook is actually very passionate about dance and he wants to be a singer after university. Hence why he was a dance major and a music major, sharing classes with Rose along the way. The two actually got along, both of their shy natures being something they had in common and so the two of them have become friends. Lisa looked at him concern and poked his arm to get his attention. He got rattled as he looked up with wide eyes.

"What's up Kookie? What are you thinking so hard about?"

Every turned to look at the boy in question and his bit his lip nervously before sighing. He sat up a bit straighter in his seat and licked his lips before letting out a breath.

"I...think I have an idea on a spot where we could practice."

"Oh really? Do tell." Somi said, looking at him with interest. Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck and then sighed again.

"Remember that Belvoire built a new building for the music and dance department? They made an expansion and upgrade with everything last year?" Everyone nodded besides Lisa who wasn't here last year and Jungkook continued. "Well, they haven't done anything to the old building. They have kind of just left it and its kind of abandoned. But it is still in good condition and just needs a little bit of cleaning up. It has a dance room and music equipment, everything that we need. I think we can use it since no one else does."

Silence filled the group, everyone looking at him in disbelief. Unsure if anyone was going to ay anything, Lisa spoke up. "How do you know this Jungkook?"

This time, Jungkook couldn't help but look sheepish. He kept rubbing his neck and ducked his head down in what appeared to be in some kind of shame. "I have been using it to practice for some of the assignments we have been getting for a while."

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