" Aiden, I understand. I do. Why don't you guys talk things out? You know that toughest of love are the one's worthy of saving. You can start with simple conversations rather than provoking each other". I stated.

He thought about it a moment and replied: "I'll try".

Okay, that's something for a start, I guess, I wanted to ask about our little moment. Aiden stayed oblivious to that situation, I started " Aid..." But stopped due to Cole.

Cole brought a huge tray full of starters, and fries with a dip in cheese sauce.

"I like cheese, Thanks Cole," Aiden said to Cole and smiled at him. Okay, he's making efforts.

Cole had surprised look on him now, but he smiled and started eating.

All went fine until the moment a group of boys and a girl decided to stop by and talk with Aiden.

Apparently, they're Aiden's college mate.

" Hey buddy, what are you doing here?" The boy with the tattoo asked Aiden.

Oddly, Aiden remained silent.

"Oohhh, he's on a date boys. Let's disturb him" said the other one.

"A threesome, I guess" blonde uttered sheepishly.

Okkaayy, maybe they aren't too good like I thought.

Aiden got up from his seat and glared at the tattooed boy and muttered angrily "fuck off, this ain't any of your business".

Well, that got the boys what they wanted. It's really obvious that they wanted a commotion over here, why can't Aiden understand that.

"Look at her, whose that Aiden? your whore for the week?" the blonde cooed and pointed her fingers at me.

What!!! I mean seriously? That bitch is picking on me?

"Listen, blonde slut, don't you open your dirty mouth on me, the next thing that comes out of your mouth will be your teeth, damaged. and that wouldn't look good on you now, would it? " I glared at her sarcastically.

She sneered but went to silent mode, good for her.

Cole and Aiden gave me an approving look and started glaring at the jerks,

Soon the glaring contest turned heated and they started arguing and the whole cafe stared at us, some in entertainment and some in disgust. The argument exceeded the level and they started throwing punches.

Now I felt the overwhelming urge to throw the boys out of the cafe window.

I took the water glass from the table and poured the content at the boys. Now they stared madly at me. Oh-oh, maybe that wasn't a smart move.

I masked my fright and glared challengingly at the group.

"I'll call the police if you guys don't clear this place" I informed them and took out my phone in emphasis.

They looked at me in suspicion, so I dialled my mom's number and started speaking "Hello, we have an emergency complaint over here sir, a group of boys are creating fights in the cafe" I said while my mom panicked in a confused state and said
" Ele, are you alright? Where are you?"

I saw the jerks dissolve and Aiden staring at me dangerously thinking it's a real cop.

My mom kept screaming in the phone and it sounded like she running.
So I spoke quickly "mom, it's nothing. I'm just acting like I'm reporting to the cop. Please don't panic. Go back to work mom"

I heard her sigh in relief and said in a concerned voice " take care Ele if there's any problem. Please start with 'mom, emergency' and go on. So that I know it's real"

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