Chapter | Nineteen | Death? Part 1

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Osamu was lying in his bed. WHY isn't Atsumu coming home. Weren't they just going to have dinner? It was already 10 pm.

Suddenly, his phone flashed:

I'll spend the night 😋

Are you serious. Osamu let out a tch. Imaging what his brother might be doing was enough to make his eyeballs do three 360 degree rolls in their sockets.

What's so good about Tsumu anyways. He's annoying, he lies, he doesn't give back his stuff. Osamu thought of Kaede. The way she flipped her pen and brought it close to her lips when she didn't understand something. He thought it was cute the way she slouched in agony as the teacher assigned homework. The short snippets of eye contact they shared when the teacher was cringey. He was always watching. From the corner of his eye. Kaede.

She was in HIS class. He had no clue how this situation turned out. A few days into school he was getting to know her more, a few days later she was his brother's girlfriend and it was a hot topic.

Burying his head in his pillow, he ignored the text after reading it.

Wouldn't hurt to reach out right? Atsumu might punch him but who cares. They live in the same house anyways.


Kaede's body shoots up. "Fuck!"
Atsumu let's out a groan from under the covers. She impatiently taps his bare back.

"Atsumu we're both late for morning practice, practically screwed if we get there at the same time. "

Atsumu opens one eye and peeks at the clock.

"No we're not..." he mumbles into her pillow.

"Atsumu! It takes forty minutes to get to school. More if we miss the train." Practice starts in thirty minutes.

"FUCK!!!!" he jumps up, his eyes still closed. The blanket bounces away exposing his whole naked torso. Kaede throws him a shirt at him with full force, looking away and taking a sip of water to calm herself. It hits his skin with a slap.

He makes weird grunts of struggle behind her.
"Why is this shirt so tight..." he groans.

Kaede looks at him. This dumbass really just heaved on HER sports shirt, stretching the fabric to its limits. It hugged his toned body, the poor sleeves straining against his buff biceps. AND it's inside out. She almost spit out her water and started laughing so hard. She's literally rolling on the floor with laughter.

Atsumu opens his eyes sleepily and looks down at the shirt.

There is a sudden knock at the door and it almost opens.
"Kaechan~ you're gonna be late to practice."
The voice of a man booms from the other side of the door.

The two of them spring into action. Kaede sprints straight to the door and pushes it closed and locks it.
"I KNOW!!" She replies.

"Is there someone there?" Her dad asks.

Kaede mouths OUT OUT OUT with wide eyes.
Atsumu frantically grabs his gym bag and his shirt. He opens the window, gulping down at the height.

WHAT are you doing. OUT!!! She whisper-screams. She jogs towards him and throws his stuff outside the window and onto the front grass lawn. Atsumu just watches it fall until—

His body jerks sideways. Huh? She literally pushed him out. He can't even scream when his body flips in sync with gravity and out the window he goes. His feet faced the sky once. Basically he did a 180 and somehow miraculously, had one hand still clutching the window frame supporting his hanging body. Thank GOD he was sitting sideways on the windowsill.

He finally breathed out, his heart pounding against his chest, about to rip his rib cage open. I COULD'VE DIED. He thought.

Then he just let himself fall and landed feet first on the soft grass. His knees and ankles felt the shock from falling from the second floor but he stood up.

First things first he pulled off Kaede's shirt and put on his. He then ran out the front gate and squatted in front of it. Whipping out his phone.







Suddenly a pair of socks came raining out the window and managed to plop right next to the sidewalk which Atsumu was sat on.

Nice aim.

I was almost killed by my dad goddammit!

Bruh I was almost killed but ok. He thought and scratched his head.


*Part Two~~ Coming Soon

Meant to Be | Miya Atsumu x OC | Haikyuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now