Chapter | Eleven | Take Her Home

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"Mi-Miya kun?"


She can hear his heart beating really fast, a low thumping against her ear. Kaede's vision is too watery to grasp her situation. Slowly her vision clears as she cries silently into his chest, he feels a small amount of wetness through his shirt.

After she feels content, she takes a glance at his face. He isn't looking at her, instead just staring out into the distance. A terrifying expression. You can always feel it: the annoyed vibe he gives off when a random girl rushes up to him to confess, or a when girls volleyball  team member comments on his serve after he missed.

The visual bloodlust from his murderous expression scares her. But, it also makes her snap out of it. All of the nostalgia and hurt goes out the door. Finally brought to her senses, she realizes how embarrassing her situation is. The heat immediately flushes to her face, and she tries not to squirm in his firm grip. Basically, squashed against his body, engulfed by him only.

A kind of forcefulness that was new to her, like being compelled to calm down. It made her go wild, WHAT IS GOING ON? she thought. In reality, Atsumu was all reflexes and instinct, he felt the urge to comfort her so he just pulled her against himself, and now he had no idea what to to. He was certainly furious at whoever did this to his girl. I want to crush them, he thought. The same hunger when he serves the volleyball, made him grit his teeth and scowl.

"Miya-kun, I'm okay now, you can let me go" Kaede says lightly. Her voice is slightly muffled.


"Uh, ye-yeah."


"Thank you, I'm all calmed down now." she speaks softly, like a whisper, she clutches the hem of his jacket which hangs really loosely on her shoulders and stares at the ground.


From his perspective she looks flustered, and the sudden shyness she displays makes his insides do a three-sixty. How the fuck is she so cute.....

The situation becomes awkward. She offers to give him back his jacket but he refuses, even zipping her up in it, not knowing how his scent was driving her crazy.

"It's ok, you're going to need it when you go home anyways. You know, you can see.... so"
A whole forest fire spreads underneath the skin of her face, as she realizes her see-through shirt. She laughs it off awkwardly.

"Should I like, walk you home." Atsumu asks,
"No no is fine! My house is a bit far off anyways."
She replies.

He was honestly really worried. Kaede looked dead tired and her face that screamed I JUST CRIED made her look so vulnerable, he just couldn't let her be.

"Well, I insist."
"Huh? I'm seriously fine!" She exclaimed.

He was getting rather bit impatient. It showed in his voice when he said,
"Kaede, I'm taking you home."
She stared at him wide-eyed and stopped resisting.
"Okay, um, thanks?" She replies hesitantly.


From afar the group of girls stared, well apparently what they had done had completely backfired. As Atsumu picked up his stuff from inside the gym, the girls planned to pull Kaede back behind and give her another beating.

She didn't notice as they approached, confidently and smugly they marched towards her and she was typing something on her phone. The split second Atsumu came rushing out of gym.

His eyes fell on them. Then they glided to Kaede and then back to them. Once he grasped the situation, the bloodlust that had ceased when he saw Kaede feeing better, erupted like a volcano.
He snapped, gritting his teeth, he walked towards them glaring. I'm gonna beat their asses, he thought, but he also cringed at what he just internally said.

"Ah, Miya-kun." Kaede stood up while still looking at her phone. She jogged towards him from the bench was just sitting on, with her bag in hand.

She didn't seem to have noticed them.
"-kay, lets go" he said, putting his arm around Kaede's shoulder, slightly turning her around, away from the direction where the girls stood, dumbfounded.

She giggled slightly under his arm, insides all butterflies from his overprotectiveness. He didn't even ask her what had happened. Miya Atsumu, he's truly a kind person, she thought and smiled to herself.

A kind person? Ehhh not really. As the two started to walk the opposite way, Atsumu flipped his head back towards the girls.

He eyes icily shot daggers at them. Of course. Atsumu will always, always play favorites. To show his angelic side to the girl he adores was normal. Other than her, especially her enemies, no way. There was absolutely no sign of forgiveness in his eyes.
The two of them walked away.

*inhales sharplyThey really gave him a glow up in the anime, I CANT WAIT for the next season!!!!

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*inhales sharply
They really gave him a glow up in the anime, I CANT WAIT for the next season!!!!

Meant to Be | Miya Atsumu x OC | Haikyuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now