Chapter | Fourteen | KING

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"If you are, can you please break up?"


Are these girls serious? Kaede stared at the girls with her mouth slightly agape. Self centered girls in her own grade just weren't enough apparently. The girl was staring at her so intently, her eyes searching Kaede's for an answer. Kaede felt an immense tiredness in her body after looking at the other girls who had the exact same look on their face: pleading, pouting, and just so fake.

"You're not in the position to -" Kaede says slowly, but she's cut off shortly by agonized screeching of voices as they cram around her.
"No problem! You can just join Atsumu senpai's fan club." She suddenly whips out a small slip of hard paper, and scribbles Kaede's name next the number 834.
"Now you're a member!"
"There is a code to the group chat on the card."
"We can all be admirers. We all go to his matches to support him!!"
"We all have a crush on him. He's too cool for any girl to be standing next to."
"Even I moved on and found a new boyfriend, but I'm forever a fan of Atsumu senpai!!"

They were too positive of objectifying him.

Kaede bit her lip, the next words that escaped her mouth were unintentional: "Do you understand how annoying Atsumu finds you guys?"

The girls went silent. 

"But,,, but it's not fair!!!!"

"He's has girlfriends in the past right? Why can't I?" Kaede transferred her hands to her hips and cocked her head sideways.  The breezing entering the open window lifted the strands of her soft hair which floated over her shoulders. A smile which masked anger plastered on her face challenged the girls.

The first year girls recognized her beauty, but their pride didn't allow them to remain breath-taken by her sassily cool demeanor. Some of the girls gritted their teeth in shame.

Kaede's classmates just stared at the scene.

One girl suddenly burst into tears. "I really really like Atsumu senpai, why don't you understand?! Only some of us can make him truly happy!! Kaede senpai is too driven to volleyball, and you don't have the time to support him. It's for Kaede senpai as well!!! ..." She exclaims through sniffs, her shoulders slouching, her body becoming smaller and smaller as her friends rush in to comfort her.

Kaede never imagined such a dramatic lifestyle in high school. She was totally in for the rigorous friendship with her volleyball teammates, and yet most of them were there for the sake of the boys.

"What's going on?" A voice interrupts the conversation from the doorway of the classroom.
A third year student with defined features, grey strands of hair that darken towards the ends highlighting his sharp and commanding eyes. He has a strong voice which sends chills down the spines of all people in the classroom.

"Kita senpai"
"Crap, it's Kita-san."

The famous captain of the boys volleyball team takes a few steps into the classroom with a most likely unintentional menacing look.

"What's going on?" He says again, in a low voice after he puts the folders on the teachers podium in the front.

The girl who was crying quickly wipes her tears and exclaimed in a painfully sweet voice which shows no trace of her vicious previous tone: "We were just chatting with Kaede senpai!"

With a skeptical look, Kita calms the classroom: "Well the bell is going to ring in a few minutes, go back to your classrooms."

The girls scatter out of the second year homeroom like mice with a slightly embarrassed look on their faces. They slightly bow as they pass him.

Kaede hallucinated a crown that floated on top of his head. A majestic vibe. She remembered Atsumu mentioning how scary Kita is. Damn she thought.

"Thank you so much." Kaede ran up to Kita.
"Why? Were they giving you trouble?"
"Uhhh... sort of?"
"Is it about Atsumu?"
"Huh? Why do you...."
"It's also big news among the third years. It's only been a few weeks since you got here. Hmm... but I'm also surprised that Atsumu would get such a lovely girl like you"

Kaede blushed horribly at Kita's words. He said it with such a cool face, she was still having trouble processing the face that EVERYONE probably knew.

"I- I think I'm going to go talk to him."
"Sure thing," said Kita.

Kaede walked out of the classroom with Kita, but she immediately sprinted towards Atsumu's classroom the second her foot hit the hallway.

Meant to Be | Miya Atsumu x OC | Haikyuu FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ