Chapter | Six | Too Relatable

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*yo I realized how slow this relationship is moving on when its supposed to be a fanfictionnnn. gomennnassaaiiii, Imma try my best to speed things up

"An hour from now until 6, we will be having practice matches. This is your place to shine first years!" says the coach. "And Shinohara-san." also says the coach gives her a wink.

Kaede tenses up. Uh oh, is this pressure I feel?


Kaede's first serve... "Show us your jump floater Kaede-chan!" she hears a guy from the audience. "I bet she's not even that good.." faint whispers.

What? Jump floater? How the hell do they know???? .... gossiping bitches already ugh

Toss, run-up, PFFFFF she smacks the ball with her palm and it goes flying, over the net.

Everyone's eyes are glued onto the ball. "Mine~" shouts a first year girl on the other side, who crouches and puts her arms out reader to receive. But in that split second. HUh? The ball, almost stops in mid-air, then hovers, then drops. "Ah!" her legs won't move her underneath in time.

The ball hits the ground. -beeep.

Holy crap. Thought Atsumu. As a player with nationwide recognition on brutal serving skills, Atsumu was in fact, impressed. Jump floaters required great precision which means a large amount of practice. Or talent.

Her next serve. This time she smacks the ball a bit harder so it flies faster. The other team brings it up. Pass.... set... hit!! The ball comes over the net and straight at the first year girl who had a bad angle and didn't bring up the ball with her body, but with her arms only. The ball was in the air, but it was short and low. "Mine!" Kaede called.
God she had such a sweet voice. Something deep inside Atsumu's stomach twisted.

She brought it up perfectly with her nimble fingers. A nice height to spike the ball. Her teammate popped it over the net.

The same kind of pattern continued. Kaede was always receiving the ball that just came over the net or saving a bad pass. She seemed out of breath. Her passes were becoming weaker.

They're making her move unnecessarily. Atsumu was seriously pissed. Osamu was also scowling. Kita also recognized this. Not only did she, not have a single chance at spiking in the past 20 minutes, this is was just wasting her time. It was obvious that she got unlucky with her team members and was basically keeping her team alive. Heck her side was even losing.

The first years on the other team were quite happy. Hah she's not THAT good, I mean....we're winning, loll a lot of them thought. What they didn't know is that a lot of other people in the gym were realizing how much of a hindrance her team mates were.

"Kaede-chan" the coach said suddenly. Oh what he's calling her "chan" now? Thought Atsumu.

"Do you want to try playing with your fellow second years?" He asked. Kaede whipped her face in his direction. She seemed off. She wasn't scowling but her face seemed like she could throw a brick at someone's head... but still managed to keep a plain face. It was her eyes. Atsumu had the same feeling. When people couldn't meet his expectations. The frustration. It was there. Atsumu got goosebumps by how much he could relate to her.

When her face beamed in response to the coach. He FELT her happiness.
"I'd like to~" she said cheerfully and out of breath.

Just fyi** in Japanese, politeness in names starts from last names with -san, sometimes people can be called by just their last names, then first names with -san, then first names with -chan for girls -kun for boys, then just names [which is called "yobisute"] if you're not acquainted with them.
ah whatever you probably know this already, you watch haikyuu and probably other anime lmao*

Next chapter coming real soon!! It's golden week in Japan~~~ I get a BREAK from STUFF

Meant to Be | Miya Atsumu x OC | Haikyuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now