Chapter | Four | Tryouts

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Ssssss, plop. The sound of her submission form hitting a pile other papers inside the club entry box escapes from the metal opening. Wow, this is gonna be really tough, thought Kaede.


The echo of the last bell to indicate the end of the day ricochets through the school. With their shoulders slouched, students gather their items to go either go to their club activity, or home. Yukina and Akari who weren't able to make the volleyball team in first year, and bitterly decided to leave Kaede alone for the rest of the day. But she did have a small piece of paper with a hand drawn diagram of the school from the silent girl with bangs longer than her eyes. Geez the school is HUGE.  

She quickly grabbed her sports bag which had her clothing and shoes. She walked towards the gym, a small skip in her feet. She could finally play! There were two staircases and a confusing number of turns to go through in the hallways. Eventually arrived at the entrance of the gym.

It said: 

Girls Volleyball Tryouts 4:00-6:00pm 

She walked in and there was a girl with a clipboard. She had light curly hair and a cringe-worthy high pitched voice when she said, "Name?" "Kaede Shinohara" "Kaaa-ehhh-dehhhhhh.." she murmured, then a light tug appeared at the edge of her mouth. "Second year huh? Good luck~" she said and smiled, but with no emotion in her tone. 

"Thank you! What's your name?" asked Kaede. 

"... Honoka," she said.  "Nice to meet you, hope we can be teammates" said Kaede putting our her hand for a friendly hand shake.  

Honoka just stared at her, no life in her eyes, and said without shaking her hand. "If you can get in the team." Honoka pointed at the changing room "changing rooms over there, be done in 10 minutes."

Kaede's eyes followed her finger tips. She didn't like Honoka. Seriously, be friendly at least once. She thought. 

As she entered the changing room. All eyes were on her. There were girls in shorts that basically looked like underpants, kinda sexy, but they looked young, well... like first years. 

Kaede happened to have her growth spurt earlier on and stood at a nice height of about 169cm, with robust breasts and hips which gave her slight curves. "Hi!" she said. Some girls looked down, some girls returned small smiles. 

What scared them the most was how toned she was when she slid her shirt off her shoulders. The slight flex in her back muscles displayed refined creases. She changed into a sporting t-shirt which still hugged her lines nonetheless. Aw crap she thought. Recognizing her mistake of how how she stuffed a shirt which was kind of small on her in her bag with no thought. Her shorts were loose, the hems ending up at the middle of her thighs. 

Then she put her loose hair up into a ponytail. She eyed herself in the mirror. Haha I look fresh! 


The tryouts started. While the coach explained the process, Kaede did some stretches with her arms and shook her ankles. She also twisted her wrists to get that full range of flexibility. She didn't really pay attention, she could probably deduce what she has to do at the beginning of the drills. Little did she know that a LOT of eyes were on her. Not only was she the single second year student in the tryout.... her ponytail slightly tugged at her face, pulling up the corner of her eyes. Her newly shaped fox eyes combined with sparkle of focus made her look fierce. 

Atsumu gave her occasional short spanned stares well. Ok, she's HOT, surely she's not a volleyball squealin' pig, he thought and glanced at the already established team of second years and third years. Meh.. 

The second years were looking at her as well. None of them felt safe for some reason. 


What happened next was the girls were told to sit down and watch as the boys started tossing and serving the balls over the net as warm up. ExCusE mE? she internally screamed. 

The first year girls watched in admiration. 

Atsumu tosses the ball up high in the air, does a run up and jump serves the ball. Oh wowww, she thought. I see why he's popular. But she soon noticed that the number of steps in his run up gave away what kind of serve he was about to do. 

She chuckled when the first year girls made a "Oooohh~~~" noise collectively. 

The watching continued for another 15 minutes. Kaede was getting impatient.

Suddenly she stood up and jogged towards the coach. 

"When can I touch the ball?" she asked sweetly and smiled....

*sorry for the belated  update. I had a report due today and had to grind over the span of two days!! next chapter will be up swiftly

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