Chapter | Thirty-One | Worship

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Kaede POV

"But now, we want you to get back with Atsumu-senpai!!"

I thought I was used to disappointing surprises by now but... I mean. This life never ends huh?

I chuckle to myself.  

This is just unbelievably funny now. Absolutely hilarious. My life is a joke, and I am a clown who can't even juggle my own emotions. 

"Why?" My voice is way quieter than I intended. They exchange uneasy glances.  

"Because..." the girl pauses - her lips trembling and pulled inwards as she bites the skin on the inside - "Because Atsumu-senpai has changed every since you two broke up! He doesn't... smile as much anymore." 

OK. That's it. 

I can feel the temperature rising in my cheeks as hot flush of anger washes over me. These girls are so insensitive and self-centered. I can't. Smile anymore? Why the fuck should I care at all? 

I want to slap this girl so hard. 

Perhaps my face had twisted into a murderous glare. The first year girls start exchanging uncomfortable glances and gripping their fingers tightly. 

"I don't care..." My voice is venomous, bleeding all the malice in my veins. 

"How can you be so heartless!! You were his girlfriend. You should care more about Atsumu-senpai even if you aren't together right now!!" the girl exclaims as she makes the expression of a kicked puppy. 

I stand up and approach her. My arm tingles, from the imaginary momentum of swinging at her face. I can't help it. So I lean my face in next to her ear. She smells like dried roses, a smell that I know Atsumu hates from his gut. 

And I whisper, in a low, quiet voice which only she can hear: 

"To be honest, I really want to hit you right now..." I start. She immediately flinches and tries to scramble away but I grab her wrist and pull her towards me. "Don't worry I wont." I say and I smile as her terrified eyes become teary.  

"Anyways, I have no idea where you found the audacity to order me to get back with Atsumu, but just to clear up your stupid little misunderstanding - as if I'm the one who hurt him - he's the one who decided to be fucking disloyal. And you know now, that you're not supposed to play with my feelings. I won't accept it."

"I'm sorry..." she breathes out shakily. 

"Oh I have a good idea!" I exclaim. "If you like him so much. How about you ask him out!! I'll tell you what he likes and make sure he falls for you." 

She contemplates for a second. Then the strength in her struggling arm gradually subsides. 

"How can you be so sure...?" she doubts me. 

"What's your name?" I ask. 

"Okada Chisa" she whimpers. 

"Ok Chisa-chan, first off you have to do something about that submissive cute girl act." 

She glares at my sharp remark. "There's the real you." I say in response. 

"You like Miya Atsumu right?" I say. 

"Of course." she says, "More that you." 

"Are you confident that you like him more than I did?" I ask. 

"Yes." she says, her tone gradually gets louder. 

"Well you're wrong." I say. 

Her mouth opens and closes. "You still like him?" she asks. 

Meant to Be | Miya Atsumu x OC | Haikyuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now