Chapter | One | Regular Mornings

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*My first ever story/fanfiction written on Wattpad!! Please remember, I don't own any of the characters from Haikyuu, and the other characters are just fictional characters I made! 

Credits go to the amazing artist who drew this illustration! I think I'm going to take this very slow, but it's a first timer sooo.

feel free to comment^^

I just wanted to write the daily life of the Miya twins in this chapter! Also this story will probably contain spoilers from the Manga!! Here goes nothing...


Beep beep... beep beep...

6:00am, the annoying sound of the alarm fills their room. Outside, the sky emits no light as the twins twist and turn underneath their blankets. The beeping continues, but both of them still don't get up. 

"tch, -samu hurry up and turn it off," Atsumu croaks, his head snuggled underneath his pillow. 

"Ha? No way... ur on the bottom bunk dumbass," Osamu replies, pissed at his brother first thing in the morning. 

"-tch, useless," Atsumu sleepily gets up, pillow in hand, and walks up to the alarm on the table. Once it's turned off he proceeds towards Osamu's top bunk, and thwacks his twin in the face with the pillow. 

An angry muffled groan escapes from underneath, "you bastard...", "get up," says Atsumu.

The twins immediately get ready for school. Osamu walks to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth while Atsumu changes into his jogging suit. Then they switch roles. As Atsumu walks out of the bathroom he asks, "How do I look," and swivels his hair towards the right side. "Like me." replied Osamu with a plain face and hand-combs his hair towards the left. They both laugh softly. All ready for the rest of the day. 

They tip-toe down the stairs and eat a quick breakfast before they burst out of the house towards morning practice. 

"ugh its cold, " Osamu complains as they jog to Inarizaki High school...

The last few hundred meters to the school gates they race; wind touseling their hair and swishing through their undercuts. By the time they reach the gym changing room, they're breathless. 

Kita is already there, changed and looking sharp as always. "Good morning!" the twins say in unison. The captain briefly looks up at them as he ties his shoes simultaneously. "Oh, mornin'."

Then gradually Suna and Aran enter the changing room, and soon enough most of the lockers are full with the team's gym bags and clothes. A cheerful vibe in the air. 


Practice starts with warm ups, then the drills gradually get intense. From 6:30 to 8:15am, the Inarizaki  coach trains the team. Once done, they take down the net and change into their uniform for the rest of the day. The sun peeks over the building, illuminating the school grounds as the flow of students starts to increase. Another normal day at Inarizaki High School. 

Atsumu, Osamu, Suna, and Aran go to their second year classrooms together. While they walk down the halls they hear the normal cheers:

"Miya Senpai~~" 

"Atsumu kun ohayo!!" (ohayo means good morning) 

"Osamu kun asaren otsukaresama~~" (asaren is an abbreviation for asa renshuu which is morning practice

Then the rest of the fangirl's compliments fly through the air. Atsumu puts on a nice (fake) smile on his face while Osamu's face just remains neutral. The other students habitually migrate towards the walls of the hallways to make space for the Miya twins and their group. Suna slouches as he dislikes the attention. 

That's when the rumor entered their years as low whispers in the hallways: 

"Yo, apparently there's going to be a new student today."

"I heard she's a girl..."

"I wonder if she's cute. I hope she's cute. Haha," 

"I heard there's gonna be a new boy. I wonder if he's more handsome than the Miya Twins." 

"Nah, that probably won't happen. lolol" 


Atsumu rolled his eyes. "So what there's a new transfer student." he mumbles under his breath. "Good for you, maybe she'll join your fAnGrOUp." snickers Osamu, which made Atsumu's eyes roll even further into his head. 

Inarizaki High School is massive. With 7 classes in each grade, a swimming pool, two huge gyms, a huge field, a running track, a huge library, an auditorium, and more than 20 different types of clubs.The most prestigious, being the boy's volleyball team. 

*in the manga the actual scale of Inarizaki High is is unknown. I just made up this part cuz huge school? why not. 




Meanwhile the rumored transfer student was having her last orientation with her homeroom teacher in the teacher's office. And yes, she's a girl. 


*ahhh please excuse me for switching up between present and and past tense. I'm too lazy to fix it....

Meant to Be | Miya Atsumu x OC | Haikyuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now