Chapter | Eight | Oops

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The whistle signifies the end of the practice match. 2-0. Kaede's team won with a more than 5 point lead in both games.

All of the second year girls were out of breath, some looked like they just finished riding 10 rollercoasters in a row and were about to puke. They were all sprawled on the ground huffing and puffing - reaching for water - or just too damn tired to do a thing.

It was such a heated match, even the boys got excited. Suna's hands were still clutching his phone because he felt the need to record the match and a lot of the boys' voices were raspy from cheering. For 45 minutes, the first time ever, the boys had stopped their own practice to watch the girls team's play.

Meanwhile the tryouts for the first year girls continued, and at a fair pace without Kaede. The third year girls and the coal watched them while the boys devoured the sight of the second year girls playing, mostly Kaede. 

And it was, the collective opinion of the second year girls and the boys team, that in fact, Kaede should no-sweat be able to join the team. She even got her jersey the day of tryouts.
Kaede scrolled through her phone. She had gotten 40 new contacts from the girls team, and more from some of the first year girls. Her followers on Instagram had also increased by 142 people. It was amazing how new people she didn't even know requested to follow her that night.

Kaede considered her Instagram to be rather boring. There were only photos of her at the beautiful temples of Kyoto like Kinkakuji and Kiyomizu-dera, some pictures of her cat, and the highlights of her time in Tokyo. Some girls gouged out as much insight of her private life by seeing who else follows her and checking to see if she had a boyfriend etc...

Although Kaede did have several boyfriends before, she happened to have to time for them because of her love for volleyball when most of them were actually loyal. Boys from the soccer club, her seniors in middle school, the cutest boys in the grade, the popular guys. A lot of boys fell for Kaede, but she couldn't commit. She dated volleyball. Well. Sorta.


That night, a notification popped up on her phone while she was brushing her hair before going to bed.

Follow Request : _miyatsumu_

She immediately pressed accept. She laughed at herself for the speed of the action. Her heart skipped a beat as she scrolled through his account. His posts were super simple, most of them were him setting the ball to Osamu or his friends after practice. Some events. Then she saw it:

Second place in the National Volleyball Spring Tournament - a group photo when he was a first year. Her heart did a summersault and then a full gymnastic tumbling. She felt her face get so hot from excitement. It was then when she realized how AMAZING Atsumu actually was. She thought he was popular because of his looks and he happens to be skilled in sports but, SERIOUSLY. Nobody told her about this!!! She fumed at how she didn't get to know him and talk to him more during the practice, remembering how he had come up to her and asked her about the position she plays.

Stupid - moron, dense idiot!!!! She thought to herself, not realizing she was playing a video of him setting the ball perfectly to Osamu who hit it across the court.... on loop. As she gazed at his form, she suddenly received a direct message.

She jumped. She literally sprang to her feet like a surprised cat and flung her phone on her bed.

For a few seconds she just stood there, after slowly, slooowly going near her phone and opening the chat.


That's all it said. After a series of draft "hello~~" or "hi (^∇^)" or "hi what's up?" 's she replied with:


Atsumu picked up his phone. "Hi" it said from her. He sucked a breath through his teeth. What should I say??? He was thinking about how to start the conversation when another text popped up:

Congrats for last years spring tournament

Then after a short delay:

Wish I were there to see

OHHHHHH. Atsumu screamed internally. Either she went through his account or someone told her. Anyway his mood went ⤴︎⤴︎⤴︎ A smile hung on his face.
"The fuck is that creepy face for." Says Osamu looking up from his phone.
"Hmmm" says Atsumu, a bit pissed his twin existed for the second. "None of you're business nosy ass."

"Shinohara-san?" He asks. Atsumu pauses. His brother just stares at him. When their eyes meet... realization. Osamu snatches his phone.

"OI -SAMU GIVE IT" Atsumu yells. "LEMME SEE!" Osamu opens the chat. The split second Atsumu grabs his arm, and Osamu tries to dodge his grasp, his finger happens to land on the keyboard without realizing. After a certain struggle between the two a single text is accidentally sent:

u in Tb hjfcvnm in n f t dfhjk

Kaede opens her

*about the picture attached. It has nothing to do with the content of this story. In fact I have a LOT of Inarizaki fan art in my camera roll which I feel the NEED to share so... yeah the art is not mine. Credit to the absolutely AMAZING artist who drew it! Enjoy!
この先もよろしくね♪( 'θ)

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