Chapter | Twenty Eight | Bitterness

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*I'm terribly sorry for not updating for a long time. Thank you guys so much for keeping up with this story! This chapter is slightly longer than usual


Osamu grips Kaede's shoulders firmly. She squirms in his arms, pushing at his chest, still trying to get away from Atsumu. Yet again, he doesn't mind and just continues to clutch her tightly against himself. His eyes are locked on his twin brother.

"What did you do to her." Osamu growls at Kaede, but his smug look betrays his serious tone. He checks in his side vision to see if Kaede is looking at him. She seems to have given up and now is just standing lifelessly in his arms.

"Get the fuck away from her you asshole." Atsumu growls.

"-Oof so harsh. Was your very clever method of persuasion, chasing her down the hallway?" Osamu scoffs and Atsumu's scowl deepens.

"And what's your method for trying to make her fall for you huh?" His rebuttal stabs Osamu in the chest.

Kaede whips her face in Atsumu's direction and throws him a dirty look. Atsumu responds with firm, angry eyes on his behalf.

"Look, Atsumu, I told you we're done." She makes a swiping motion with her hand near her neck and shakes her head in frustration.

"She said what she said -tsumu, leave her alone." Osamu sneers.

"I told you to stay the fuck away from her."

Then Osamu's grip on Kaede became even stronger, this time he wraps one arm around her lower back in a protective, hugging stance.

"Osamu-kun?!" Kaede, gives out a startled yelp and her eyes go wide. Her silky hair crumpled up against his chest and she blushed heavily.

The split moment Kaede turned her neck over her shoulder and looked at Atsumu's face out of embarrassment, her heart shattered. The anger had vanished from his expression and all that was left was pale disdain plastered. The light had left his eyes.

He simply scoffed, stuffed his hands in his pockets and kicked his heel against the floors. Then he spun around and walked away.

"Atsu-" Kaede gave out a small whisper, but her voice was covered by another, "Kaede-chan, let's go." Osamu spoke adjacent to her ear.

Such an idiot. Osamu thought.

Osamu tugged at Kaede's lower back and her legs moved involuntarily in the opposite directions. Away with Osamu. He seemed so eerily giddy.

"I'm glad I found you. Who knows what he would've done to you."

Kaede didn't say anything. Half of her wanted to stab Atsumu and cut him into a million pieces but another half felt like she wanted him to violate her.

Osamu's touch felt so foreign Kaede felt so uncomfortable, so she pushed away from his grip that had weakened by the sight of Atsumu leaving the scene.

"I talked to Suna." Osamu says out of the blue, cold eyes gazed at her.

Kaede felt her blood drain her face, along with the heat of embarrassment. "-did, did he say anything?" she mustered.

"Nope. He refused to tell me anything." He says, averting his gaze. Which was true.

"Osamu-kun." Kaede says. "Yeah?"

"Did you know about the photo?"

"I... don't know what you're talking about." he says, lying in her face.

Meant to Be | Miya Atsumu x OC | Haikyuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now