Chapter | Twelve | Whisper

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The sky turns a darker shade of purple as the sun sets over the horizon.

Inarizaki High School is a few minutes from the nearest station, and the two walk in silence. After Atsumu walked Kaede away from the girls without her recognizing, the situation became awkward. Atsumu had his arm around her shoulder until she she let the statement slip from her mouth:

"It's kinda like we're dating, haha" she removed herself from his grasp, with a swift movement which wasn't too rude but enough to hurt his feelings. He wanted her figure against squished against himself. They fitted together like puzzle pieces: her height and his.

Normally he would have the guts to say something witty in return. The girls he thought were cute would melt under this grip, and the next thing he knew they would confess their feelings to him. He felt a pang if sadness, but at the same time he felt love for her being different.

Atsumu adored her. Just seeing her walk down the hallway, glancing out the window during class while she ran in gym class - her presence in the school was enough to make him daydream about being in a relationship with her.

Should I just confess? He thought, but it would be a gamble.

She was laughing though, so it didn't seem like she disliked his subtle (or so he thought) form of affection. She was in fact sincere and straight to the point at all times:
"Thanks so much, I feel so much better because of you . I heard you're pretty cold towards girls, what a lie!"

On her face was her signature smile, which radiated so much kindness. The orange rays of the setting sun reflected on her face as she danced around him with grace. He sweated nervously. He was cold. He was always cold, he couldn't care less about what girls thought of him. They loved him anyways.

He decided to laugh it off, still feeling uneasy inside. They approached the station which was bustling with people who were heading home. Atsumu's least favorite part of the day where he had to ride in a packed train. Kaede also sighed at the sight of it.

(Tbh idk if Hyogo has rush hours as bad as Tokyo, but from my experience packed trains are ass)**

"Are you still taking me home" she huffed out, dodging a rushing businessman.
"Yep," Atsumu grunted as he squeezed past the slowest moving old woman in the world.

"Cool, which station do you live at" she asked, grabbing onto his shirt so that they could stay together. He answered.
"What really? We live in the same station!" She exclaimed.

We can go hooome together every daaaay, he screamed internally. As his inner child danced around in circles, the outer high school Atsumu plastered a cool smile of his face and said,
"Seriously? That's nice."

Then he looked away and smiled in joy. Kaede was quick to notice this. Cute, she thought.

Suddenly, a large alarm rung through the station. The express train was arriving on one minute, if they missed the train they would either have to take the slow local train or wait another twenty minutes.

"Oh crap we gotta go," said Atsumu in a deep raspy tone. It set something off in Kaede which made her insides twist in embarrassment. While she was still trying to get a grasp of the weird sensation in her stomach he pulled her wrist.
A forceful yank from his strong arms sent her stumbling towards him, but he started running.
He was really fast as he jogged past people going the opposite direction, but it was making way for her so she just followed with quick steps.

She felt stares, from the corner of her eyes she saw groups of girls from Inarizaki high school with their phone cameras pointed towards... Atsumu? The fuck? She thought, as they jumped up and down showing each other the pictures they took on their phones.
Kaede felt her stomach drop when her eyes met one of the girl's. She had red brownish hair and cute round eyes, filled with bloodlust. Oh GOD, Honoka, she thought.

Not knowing a thing, Atsumu kept pulling her through the crowd and just as the doors to the trains were closing, he grasped her shoulder and threw himself into the train already packed with people.
"We made it," Atsumu huffed, out of breath. "Yeah," she said. It was not necessarily the most comfortable position: she was indeed squished against his chest again.

Geez, the fat guy standing next to them was taking up so much space. Kaede's shoulder was literally rubbing against him. This pissed Atsumu off. Using the momentum of the startup movement of the train, he pulled her around to his other side and placed himself between her and the guy. Much better.

There was another awkward silence between them. But as Kaede looked up at his face, and their eyes met, they burst into quiet laughter. Giggling like little kids, they swayed with the movement of the train.

"Ugh it's, hot" she said, tugging at the zipper of Atsumu's jacket. "Not as much as you," he replied grinning. "Oh my god, stop being so cringeeyyyy" she rolled her eyes. He wasn't really lying though, the small rays of the setting sun were shining through the window in stripes that wrapped around her face which glowed. He felt like he was staring at a magazine model, she was hella beautiful.

"Don't take it off though," he gripped her hand tight on the zipper with a serious face. Not when you could see through her shirt, Atsumu was so conscious about her being seen by other guys. There were a group of students from another school in the aisle who were already giving her looks.

This is when Kaede recognized she had a fetish for deep voices. It made her stomach twist and tingle, but in a good way, and she loved it when he gave semi-orders to her in that sexy voice of his.

"Mkay," she said quietly, embarrassed by how 'turned on' she was.


The train would occasionally honk really really loud. When it turned corners all of Kaede's weight would push up against Atsumu's torso. It was so desperately awkward.

HOOOOOONK as the train beeped, Kaede heard something quietly escape Atsumu's mouth.

"I like you."

But his facial expression didn't change at all. Kaede felt so conflicted, a mixture of disbelief, embarrassment, and happiness. He probably thought she didn't hear him. It was quite obvious from another person's perspective that Atsumu adored her, but Kaede didn't imaging herself with him. A pang of joy ripped through her body, and her face flushed. After a short pause,

"Miya-kun," she said and tapped his shoulder. Hmm? He looked down at her. As she made a gesture for him to bend down, he lowered his head closer toward her face.

With a soft angelic voice, Kaede whispered directly into his ear,
"Me too"

AHHHH GOMENNASAI, it took me sooo long to upload this chapter. I just finished all my examssssss. THANK YOU SO MUCH to the lovely readers who enjoy my story!!!

Meant to Be | Miya Atsumu x OC | Haikyuu FanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя