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Author: Welcome to my fourth story! Hope you enjoy!


"Omg!!! Where finally in South Korea!!" My best friend, Jade, shouts as we walk outside of the airport.

"Scream louder," I said to her while rubbing my ears. "I don't think our family and friends back in America can hear you."

"Nope, I'm holding all my screams for BTS Concert!!" Jade said while jumping for joy. "And when we get back and if I lost my voice, I won't regret it. My public speaking teacher would have no choice but to pass me for attending."

Jade and I are sophomores in college. Jade wants to be in a tattoo artist. Her parents are against the idea of permanent ink on the skin, but she still wants to do it by getting her doctor degree, like they wanted, while interning at a tattoo shop. I want to be a traveling photographer. I want to see the world's beauty before it goes. As well as memorable moments. We've been friends since high school and bonded over big dreams we have. Such as getting a plane ticket to South Korea and see BTS live! We've studied our Korean and improved too. Of course, we'll still go sightseeing, but our only focus is the concert.

'This is going to be a trip I will never forget!'

Next Day Later - Day of Concert

"Good morning!" I hear Jade's voice as she opens the contains and letting in the morning light blind my eyes.

"Ahhh! Go back to sleep!" I complain while pulling my blanket over me.

After we made it to our hotel, we went straight to bed. Our plane ride was sixteen hours. Four hours to make our first plane stop to Canada, and then the second plane ride was straight to South Korea. It's too uncomfortable to sleep knowing I'm thousands of feet above open deep oceans. 

"You really aren't a morning person," she said to me. "Wake up! It's D-day!"

I slowly get up and make my way to the bathroom. After we made it to our hotel, we went straight to bed. Our plane ride was sixteen hours. Four hours to make our first plane stop to Canada, and then the second plane ride was straight to South Korea. It's too uncomfortable to sleep knowing I'm thousands of feet above open deep oceans. After an hour of getting ready, I came out and grabbed my longboard that I'd brought with me. Then I grab my ticket to the concert.

"I'm going to skate around for a bit. Text me when you're ready. I'll be at the cafe that's a few minutes away from here," I tell Jade, who's on her phone.

"Sure. Okay. Make sure you don't lose your ticket," Jade tells me before I put on my shoes and leave.

After walking out of the hotel, I put on my headphones and played my favorite BTS song. I start skateboarding around the city. I skate past fellow ARMYS as they talk about BTS. I skate past every BTS sign and poster of their current tour and concert they're having. While in the rhythm of the beat, I start to dance on my longboard. Then my phone stops playing the song. While still skating carefully, I check on my phone, and my eyes widen to see my BTS song playlist have disappeared. Before I could make a stop, a sudden bright white light blinded me, and I fell on the ground. After a few seconds, the light disappears. I open my eyes while quickly getting off the ground, all confused. I look around to see for accidents or people panicking, but it's as if nothing happened. My eyes suddenly spots my ticket on ground that must have fallen out of my pocket. After I picked it up, my eyes began to widen even more to see each seven boys disappearing.

Dear Magic Shop (BTS World: Another Story FF)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora