J-Hope's Story - Chapter 3 & 4

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Day 28 (ch 3-1 to 3-2)

Dear Magic Shop,

I went to visit Hoseok with Bokimani and met the "fraud vet" who was happily to let him say at the Sanctuary.... if I also work for him -_-...

At least I get to spend more time with Hoseok. More importantly, Bokimani got a new home since the shelter is closed for good now. :c

Annnnndddd maaayyyybbbeee have some time with Baekmani~!

Baekmani x Bokimani FOREVER~! <3

Anyways, Hoseok seems more positive working there. Shock to hear I'll work so Bokimani can stay. But it's nice to know I'll be seeing him every day now.

Which... reminds me... it doesn't really fit my schedule at the newspaper gig. So, it looks like I'll finally quit! :D

Life has gotten better, huh? I get to quit my job. I do nott need to worry about money since my parents are still sending me money weekly. I can still see Namjoon, Jiyoung, and Toto. And work with Hoseok.

I hope I didn't jinx myself. Bye-bye.

Day 35 - Night (ch 3-4 to 3-6)

Dear Magic Shop,

After a week of working here and I got Hoseok telling me the ins and outs of the Sanctuary. However, both of us still don't know why it's called "Mansae Sanctuary." Maybe it's Sanggu's, my new boss/vet who talks to animals, son???

Even when I asked him, he didn't answer me and completely dodged it.

When he left to check on a sick horse, Hoseok and I took an ice cream break. That's when I noticed something new about Hoseok. He had a call from someone saying he's not going back to school and then left. Then came back all dazed and upset.

Then I learned another new thing. When a cracked bowl cut me, Hoseok tried to remove the shard piece out of my palm. But he froze when he heard me in pain. Like he doesn't know what to do at all. Consumed in his fear, too.

I build up the courage to ask him why he's not going back to school. Mostly want to know if it's related to what happened. Worrying of hurting others or possibly scared of blood. But instead of telling me, which I understand since it's a personal question, he gave me a nickname "Curie", told me not to worry, and ate.

I guess I'll just have to be patient and wait for him to tell me. Like I was when Toto decided between me and Namjoon on who's his second favorite beside Jiyoung.

Day 33 - Evening (ch 3-8 to 3-12)

The Great Sanggu has revealed to us his secret on how he can talk to animals... He admits he can't but can read their emotions.

He took us to a horse race track so we could see him do his work. We checked on a horse who looked fine until he collapsed. Sanggu apparently caught him and said the horse wanted to act in movies. After that, the horse was all happy again. Then we went to a zoo for a monkey with mirror problems. Have that problem, too.

I'm not even going to continue writing for today.

Honestly, I'm just mad. The Idiot Drunk from Soda Mr. Sanggu ran off and let us pay for dinner. And we ordered a lot, which was my month payment. ToT

Day 44 - Morning (ch 4-1 to 4-3)

Dear Magic Shop,

Hoseok is more positive and active.

Mr. Sanggu just now gave me a list of large things to clean and other stuff. I thought I could split it with Hoseok after waking him up from his talking to the animals' dream.

But he's doing every single one on the list by himself. It's nice seeing him so happy and positive. Like the sunshine J-Hope I remembered and loved.

Hope this lasts forever. Got to go now, I still have to do some cleaning inside while Hoseok is busy outside.

Day 44 - Afternoon (ch 4-5 to 4-6)

Dear Magic Shop,

I got a call from my newspaper job that they needed a story from me, and I reminded them that I don't work for them anymore. But, even though they forgot, they were still looking for anything I got, which gave me an idea.

I told them about Mansae's Sanctuary and Mr. Sanggu, who's a vet that can understand animals. They love it and want me to give them his business cards or flyers and photos for them. Of course, they'll pay me.

I didn't know if Mr. Sanggu has business cards or flyers, so I made some with Hoseok.

While Hoseok was in a good mood, I finally asked him about his school again, which he finally told me that he's thinking of dropping out and wants to continue learning under Mr. Sanggu. Of course, I support him no matter what. As long as he's happy and doing what he loves.

I'm happy too, BTW :) I got a free meal from him, and he complemented me~! <3

Day 45 - Afternoon (ch 4-8 to 4-12)

Dear Magic Shop,

I'm quickly writing to you while watching Hoseok in action along with other students at his school.

I just wanted to update you quickly on what happened. So here it is; I carried heavy dog food. Mr. Sanggu said Hoseok went to school and used his magical power to read my emotions. I went to Hoseok's school. Found him at a lab with puppies because a guy with him lost his girlfriend's ring due to one of the puppies eating it.

I'll let you know what happens next! Bye!

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