Army's Story Part 2

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Group chat:

Namjoon: Hello girls! I gave Toto breakfast before I left. Who's turn to give lunch?

(Y/N): Me! Me!

Namjoon: Let me do it. I get to leave my class early today, and you already covered me three times. xD

(Y/N): we'll go feed Toto together :)

Jiyoung: Can I join you?

(Y/N): Of course! You don't need to ask.

Jiyoung: (y/n), when are you moving to our neighborhood?

Namjoon: Oh yeah!

Namjoon: Did my apartment building pleased you, reporter?

(Y/N): They did! And not far from my job too! ^.^

Namjoon: Can't wait to be neighbors with you. I'll cook something special to celebrate.

(Y/N): Or maybe we can all go out to eat instead!

Jiyoung: Are you both going to date?

(Y/N): OMG! You shouldn't be asking that!

Namjoon: Yeah! It's better to not ask!!!!

Jiyoung: I think it would be nice if you guys date and get married so Toto and I can be the flower girls! ^.^

Jiyoung: You guys always look at each other like love doves! <333

Namjoon: Maybe we should change the subject...

(Y/N): I'm actually heading to the park now to write. I'll talk to you guys later.

Jiyoung: Bye-bye!

Namjoon: See you soon :)

I smile to the messages, yet inside I'm not. There is something missing. It's been my four weeks here, and I've been this way after Jiyoung was saved. However, I don't know what. I finally got a small newspaper job and I'm looking for an apartment because I couldn't stay at the hotel for too long. Right now, I'm at a different and cheaper hotel. I get to meet Namjoon and be in his soon to be publish books that's, of course, based on a true story. More importantly, I've gotten close with him. Yet it's not making me happy. I take a walk in the park with my Magic Shop to clear my head. Apparently, the newspaper job is hard work, but at least it pays well.

My phone rings breaking my thoughts, and I answer it, "Hello?"

"Omg! (Y/n)! How'd you been?" Jade asks me through the phone.

"I'm doing great," I answer her. "How are you- Wait, isn't it 2am back home?"

"Yeah, but I'm in the middle of a good anime and can't stop watching it!" She shouts.

'At least that didn't change...' I thought to myself.

Jade and I were here in South Korea before all this happened. When I came back from long boarding and BTS existence was gone, so was she. Apparently, in this universe, she didn't come with me. I am somehow studying aboard while she's still at home being a total anime fan. I mean, before, she still loves watching anime, but a lot fangirl crazy for BTS. Now, I guess it's all anime for her. The reminder of not having her with me nor remember BTS is too much pain for my heart to go through.

"Hey, ugh, my class is about to start," I said to her.

"Okay, okay," Jade said while she yawned. "I'm going to finish the last episode and then go to bed. Good night from America!"

"Good afternoon from South Korea," I said to her before hanging up.

I release a depressing sigh while looking up at the clear sky, "I miss my life..." I mumble to myself. "But I guess I can start a new with Namjoon..."

I pull out my Magic Shop and begin to write.

Day 49 - Early Afternoon

Dear Magic Shop,

I can't believe I'm here in South Korea longer than expected.

I also can't believe I've been with Namjoon for 45 days.

I especially that I still have money. What weird about this universe is, not only everyone back home thinks I'm studying aboard, but my parents send money to my bank card. You know, in case something happens. Sadly, everything is happening. I'm surviving thanks to them along with my newspaper job. However, I still can't help myself to think what is this universe and why am I the only one who remembers BTS.

Plus, I don't know if I'm being selfish or not, but I'm just not happy. Like, I'm so at please with this route I'm taking, but it oddly felt like someone is making it for me. This universe I'm in fells like I'm under control. How it made BTS never to be formed and my life has been re-written. I'm even feeling like I'm forgetting something. Or maybe I'm-


"Hey! You-You're too fast!"

I stop writing my Magic Shop the moment I hear a voice. It's sounds very familiar. I turn to see where it 's coming from. Once I looked to see the person, I dropped my pencil and Magic Shop. Laying a sight of another BTS member and remembering the mission I'm on.

"J-Hope!" I mumble to myself as I watch him walk and jump around with a dog. "How- How could I forget that I was supposed to find the other six members!"

I was getting too comfortable that I oddly forgot my mission. That mission to find all members of BTS and see what their lives are like here. I quickly pick up my pencil and Magic Shop. Then I started to my next mission to follow J-Hope.

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