Army's Story part 4

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"Baekmani! Bokimani!" I shout the dogs names as I search for them so they can eat. After a few seconds, I found them relaxing together on the couch. "There you two match made in heaven are. It's time to eat-"

Bokimani suddenly growls at me. I step back away from him. Then Baekmani got off and runs away. My eyes was concern and confuse until they turn to fear as I relive of the last animal friend who did the same thing. Toto did the same with me the moment she forgot about me. I feel my heart stopping as well as my breathing.

'It's really happening...' I thought to myself.

"Whoa, what's wrong with you, Baekmani?" Hoseok grabs and carries Baekmani. Bokimani stops growling when he shows up. "Huh? Didn't I heard Bokimani growling?"

"Yeah... At the chickens again..." I lied not looking at him.

I hear Baekmani whine that it got Hoseok's attention, "Why do you feel stress? Are you confuse or something-"

"Hoseok," I said his name. "I don't feel so good..."

"Huh? Really? I'll walk you home," He offers with concern and caring voice.

"You don't need to-"

"What kind of a good friend I'll be if I let you walk by yourself late at night?" He asks me, but not letting me answer.

I said my, possible, last farewell to Baekmani, Bokimani, and the rest of the animals. Hoseok left a note for Sanggu that he'll be right back. Then he put on our light sweaters and shoes before walking out the door. For a few minutes while walking to my bus stop, Hoseok brightens and warms me up with funny jokes, informative stories about his life, and his own curious questions about my life in America. While waiting for the bus to arrive, only his sunshine smile helps me forget what just happened back in the Sanctuary. I feel my phone buzz as I pull it out of my pocket and see that Junkook. 

Message - Junkook

Junkook: Hey! Don't forget tomorrow!

Junkook: You're helping me with my English and helping the team get ready for our next match!

After reading jk's text, I turn off my phone, but my face isn't a happy. It's sad and scare. The reason why is because my mind has automatically made me imagine the face Junkook would make if I meet up with him tomorrow and he doesn't know who I am. I thought all I need to do is to give him and Hoseok all my trust for them to not have the same thing that happened to Namjoon. However, it's starting again and I still don't know how to stop it.

"Is that your brother? How is he and his club doing?" Hoseok asks me.

I lied to him that Junkook is my brother. Or in this case, step-brother. In order for Hoseok won't be too worried on where I've been going. I still haven't told him nor got a chance for him to meet Junkook. I really wanted to see if they would remember each other. But, if the BTS song, that Junkook found on my phone and danced to, didn't put any memory in Junkook's head. Then it probably wouldn't for Hoseok as well.

The bus finally arrives and stops. Opening the door to let some people out and new travelers to come in. I get up from my seat and Hoseok does the same. I say my byes to Hoseok, which I am hoping it's not the last, before taking my first step on the bus. However, Hoseok stops me by grabbing my hand. I look at him wondering what does he want.

"(Y/n)..." He said shyly and I see him blushing. I blush as well because he said my name instead of his nickname he gave to me. "Uhm, I was wondering if we can go somewhere. Not now or tomorrow, you can pick a day like next Saturday maybe since it'll be our day off. Just the two of us..."

My heart stops once again. For two different reasons; One is for overly joyed and happiness that Hoseok asked me on a date. The second reason is shock and total fear of if he'll forget about me before next Saturday comes. However, I couldn't let it get to me. I could only hope as much as I can that he won't forget me.

I force a smile, ignoring the negative thoughts, and hug Hoseok tight, "I would love that a lot! Next Saturday works for me! I'll look forward to it!" I said while forcing myself not to cry. Rather it's tears of joy or sadness. I quickly get on the bus. "See you tomorrow! Goodnight!"

As I take my seat, I wave bye to Hoseok, and he does the same. I wave until he was out of sight, and I lay my head back to let out a heavy sigh. After a moment, I pull out my pen and magic shop journal out of my bag. Then open it and start writing on it.

Day 227 - Evening

Dear Magic Shop,

The animals has finally forgot about me. I couldn't go near the chickens and the bunnies almost bit me. Bokmani growled at me while Baekmani ran away from me. 

Even the Sanggu is starting to forget about me. I can tell by the way he looked at me. It's the exact same look Namjoon and Jiyoung gave me. When they needed a few seconds to remember who was I to them.

 Meaning Hoseok will slowly forget about me too. Very soon. What sucks is that he asked me on a date.


Too real... And for once I hate that it's not all a dream...

Because I don't want him to forget about me. I don't want Junkook to forget about me. I don't want to me wiped from anyone memory. I want to have more time to be with them. I want Namjoon to remember me.

More importantly, I want to go home. I miss seeing my friends, family, my grandma's cooking, my pets. And even my annoying stupid brother. What's sad about me far away from them is that they seemed fine without me around. But when I told them I'll be home soon and they do seem happy. Maybe because they don't need to send money to me no more.

Anyways, back to my mission and what's going on, I started my search for Yoongi for four days now. I think I found him too. I'll need to move out of the current motel I'm staying at to be closer where Yoongi is possible located.

I'll tell Hoseok that I'll be gone until next Thursday, so he'll won't worried about cancelling our date. If he still remembers me, of course...

As for Junkook... I'll see him one last time tomorrow and tell him I won't make it to his match. He'll be mad, but the only good thing about it is that he'll won't remember being mad at me... Because he forget about me... Both of them will.

I see my stop now. Once I'm off the bus, I'm going straight to bed. Goodnight...

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