3. "No new friends.."

Start from the beginning

With each step I took towards the large vessel, I got anxious and nervous all over again. The boat was white and blue with multiple decks that seem to stretch out as far as the ocean. In my opinion, it looked like a hotel on the water with probably more amenities than you could think of. I got overwhelmed by the large groups of people pushing past me, eager to start their vacation.

I brushed off my frustration and continued to walk up the wooden deck to the boat. I struggled with the amount of bags I had with me because I had nowhere else to take them but with me. I desperately wanted to get to my room, but there was a blockage in the main deck. I tried squeezing through, but everyone acted as if they couldn't fucking hear me.

I was two seconds away from rudely shoving people, but my bag broke, and all of my personal items fell to the ground. I cursed under my breath and got to my knees to gather my belongings. My attitude got the best of me because instead of being mindful, everyone that walked past kicked around my items.

"Here," I stood up, making eye contact with a tall blonde that had her hair in the neatest bun I've seen in my life. Her skin was perfectly tanned, and her eyebrows furrowed. Sometimes, I don't know how to process kindness, and regardless, she looks like a regular rich mean girl that made fun of me after my life went downhill.

I snatched my belongings from her and said, "Thanks."

"Woah, I'm just trying to help," She threw her arms up and scoffed, stepping away.

I rapidly blinked and muttered, "I didn't ask for your help." I jerked my neck away and looked down at my ticket to find my room. She probably felt bad for me and thought she would do a good deed to make herself feel better. But in reality, I don't fit in with girls like that.

I continued to follow the walkway, and the second I lifted my head, I saw a guy with his eyes burning through mine. We were standing from afar, so I couldn't see any noticeable details but he was tall, had broad shoulders with dark hair that appeared lighter under the sun. He looked and screamed trouble, causing me to blink my eyes away. I could feel that he didn't take his orbs off me as I continued looking for my room. I couldn't get involved with anyone, and not that I didn't want to, I wouldn't even know how to, and the way my trust is set up, it wouldn't work.

What seemed like twenty minutes later, I found the cabin I could call mine for a week and instantly melted. The first thing I noticed was that I had an oceanview room with a balcony, queen bed, air-conditioned, mini bar, and an ensuite bathroom that was small but beautiful.

I dropped my luggage and fell on my bed, appreciating the silence. There was no yelling, name-calling, nor banging on the walls. And the bed was the most comfortable thing I've laid on in my life.


After getting myself situated, I grabbed my essentials since my bag broke and decided to tour the ship before the safety class we had to take. I had approximately forty-five minutes to walk around and hopefully find a bar.

I wasn't the only one with the idea of glancing around, but everyone was in groups.

There was a wide range of entertainment options, four different restaurants, and two of the three were buffet style. There was even an option of different cuisines ranging from French, Italian, and Mexican. I didn't even care if the food was good. At least I didn't have to worry about what to eat for dinner.

A staff member told me there's a total of fifteen bars, five pools, and eight jacuzzis. He even mentioned that there was a gym and other sporting facilities.

"Wow," I breathed, looking over the rail as the boat remained docked. The blue water seemed endless, expanding on for eternity. The seagulls squawked in the sky as the sun shone brightly, causing me to squint my eyes.

"Incredible, is it?" A middle-aged woman said, looking down at the water inches away from me. She had on the full beach ensemble; sunhat, bathing suit covered by a crochet shaw, and sandals.

I took a second to reply as I started into oblivion. When I came back to Earth, I said, "I've been in Florida my entire life and never been on a boat this big."

"Very overwhelming the first time, but worth it. It's what you—"

"Kayla, come on! We're waiting for you." A group of women yelled for her to catch up with them. She couldn't even finish her sentence before she ran off, and I was alone again. But I didn't mind. Listening to the sounds of the waves crash into the side of the boat was relaxing to the least.

I checked the time on my phone and realized I had to be in the dining room for the awareness class. I didn't know where I was going, but it wasn't hard finding where most of the commotion was coming from.

I kept my eyes glued to my phone, occasionally looking up to make sure I wasn't running into anyone. I already look lonely enough as it is, and my phone was the perfect escape. But I shouldn't care what others think. I came on the cruise to relax, not worry about how I look.

"It's for her!" I heard yelling and looked up but dropped my face back into my device. It was the blonde from earlier, and I had no clue why she was pointing at me, so I kept walking.

My long hair tickled my bare back, the faster I walked. "Hey, hey, wait up," I heard footsteps behind me. "Do you have a sec?"

I suddenly stopped as the same girl appeared in front of me. She tried catching her breath as my face remained stuck. I don't know what kind of game she's planning, but I don't have the best feeling.

I pushed my lips together. "I got something for you." She said proudly, pushing a bag in front of me.

"Earlier, your bag broke, remember? That was me..w-who helped. You're welcome; I just thought I'd help." Instead of the perfect bun, her hair draped down her shoulders, revealing her highlights—not one imperfection.

Without thinking, I said, "I don't need this." I don't get gifts without someone wanting something in return. What was her game plan?

She sucked in her bottom lip and said, "Um, yeah, you do, so keep it. I won't take no for an answer."

I scoffed, rolled my eyes, and walked away. I heard the suitcase fall to the ground, but I don't have time for games. I have yet met a person with good intentions, and I don't need friends if we're only here for a week.

When I found the dining room, I stood off to the side, waiting for the instructors to start speaking so that I could get a drink. The room seemed to crowd quickly, making it impossible to move after finding a place to stand.

Cheers to the week. 

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