The Journey Begins

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Hey guys, it's time for chapter 2! Hopefully I can get the viewership for this story going but it's usually pretty low the first few chapters. We're going to start going through the events of the game now so be ready for it! Please review or comment to give me any tips you think of or if you like the story in general. Here's the chapter!

Ch. 2: The Journey Begins

(Luna's POV)

I left my room and turned right to go into the kitchen. Cal was rummaging through the pantry and trying to decide what he wanted to eat. When he saw me enter the kitchen, he showed me where all the food was, in case I got hungry.

"This is the pantry and Greez said we could have whatever we want. He told me he keeps it stocked up because one of his friends owes him a lot of money and has to pay for all his food. I don't know, something stupid like that."

I giggled and he moved to the fridge.

"Same thing with the fridge so we won't have to worry about going hungry any time soon."

I couldn't help but smile big at him.

"That's a relief. I always had to struggle with how much food I could get while still paying rent. It really sucked."

He gave me a look that said he went through the same thing as well and handed me a bag of white bread.

"Yeah, on Bracca, I swear they were raising the taxes just for me because they knew I couldn't do anything about it. They probably didn't but it felt that way. I'm going to make a sandwich. Do you want one?"

I was about to answer but the growling in my stomach told him everything he needed to know.

"I'll take that as a yes?"

"Yeah, I missed my lunch break earlier," I said with reddened cheeks. How embarrassing... I don't think Cal minded though. He doesn't seem like the type of person that would even care about dumb crap like that. I still felt embarrassed though.

"We have ham, turkey, and chicken. I think I'll go with ham. What about you?"

I thought for a second and shrugged my shoulders.

"I'll just get the same."

He nodded and started making the sandwiches for us. I sat in one of the chairs at the kitchen table and then looked at the cockpit. Greez was doing something with the steering wheel of the ship and Cere was tuning her radio settings to hear what the Empire was saying. Who knows, maybe we could find another Jedi that survived Order 66. I don't want to get my hopes up though.

I looked away from them at the sound of a plate hitting the table in front of me. How did he make that sandwich so fast!? I looked up at him and he looked pleased with himself.

"Wow, that was fast. Thanks, Cal," I said.

"No prob. And over the years I've gotten pretty good with making sandwiches for myself," he said with a chuckle. He sat in the chair next to mine and took a bite out of his sandwich. I smiled and did the same. The sandwich was good! Greez got good quality bread and meat.

"So, you holding up okay?" Cal asked me.

"Yeah, I think I am. I didn't really have any friends on Hosnian Prime and I got all my belongings when I came with you. I feel like this is a new chapter of my life. A brand-new start rather than just worrying about what will happen to me constantly. How are you holding up? I feel like you've asked me all these questions, but I haven't asked them back," I said with a small laugh. He shook his head.

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