Assisting the Rebels

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Hey guys, it's time for another chapter! For this chapter, we'll be exploring Kashyyyk so hopefully that'll be fun. I've been watching the Book of Bobo Fett, and it definitely has gotten me in the Star Wars mood. If you like the story or have any tips, leave a review or comment! Thanks for reading and here's the chapter!

Ch. 10: Assisting the Rebels

(Luna's POV)

The ship took us into Kashyyyk's atmosphere, and we were met with an ocean of clouds. The clouds weren't thick, so I could see the rocky terrain down below. Beyond in the distance was the biggest tree I've ever seen. It was surrounded by mountains, almost like they were trying to protect it. It was magnificent.

"This planet is beautiful," I said.

"You won't be saying that for long, kid. We're about to enter Imperial territory. The Empire's been trying to take over this planet for a while," Greez grumbled as he dipped the ship closer to the ground. Along the way, a fighter jet whizzed past us in a chase with an imperial fighter.

"Oh boy! You see what I mean!?" Greez yelled.

"There's an imperial convoy being ambushed by wookies and guerilla fighters! Walkers are approaching them," Cere said to us from her radar. Cal looked down at the fighting and then at Greez.

"Tarfful could be down there!"

Greez grumbled again.

"He could be anywhere! He's probably underground like we'll be if we go down there!"

"We don't really have any other options though," I said, trying to get Greez to take us down there close to the battle. At this point we were past the clouds and we could see the Imperial walkers making their way to the convoy. They were walking in water so it couldn't have been too deep.  

"Do you have a plan?" Cere asked me. I thought for a moment and then shrugged.

"I don't."

"How about we jack one of their walkers?" Cal suggested, getting up from his chair and walking to the exit door of the ship. Jack one of their walkers? That's actually a pretty cool idea! I got out of my seat and followed him as he opened the hatch door.

"What do you think we're in, kid!? The Clone Wars!?" Greez yelled. He really did not want to get anywhere near those walkers. Unfortunately for him, he had two Jedi on his ship that did want to get near them.

"Just take us close to them," Cere told him. She then turned to me and Cal. "...just remember that those walkers double as troop transports so be careful once you get inside. Just stay alive down there, okay?"

Cal grinned and glanced at me.

"We'll add it to the plan. Cere gave him a look and then patted my shoulder before going back to her comm chair. Once the hatch was out, we stepped onto it and looked down. It was going to be a swim for us to get to one of the walkers.

"You good with this?" Cal asked me. I laughed a little and sighed.

"I'm gonna have to be. You ready to swim, BD-1?" I asked the droid. He beeped excitedly at me in response. Looking down, it was kind of a steep drop into the water. The force would help break my fall, but I'm willing to bet that it will still hurt.

"Let's jump at the same time," I said shakily. Cal smiled and nodded.

"That was already part of the plan. You ready?"

I nodded back and we jumped on three.


Cal and I jumped off the hatch door and into the water. The water was warm so it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It took me a second to realize I was underwater before I started swimming towards the surface. I came up breathing for air while Cal had already gotten up and was surveying his surroundings. I brushed my hair out of my face and wiped my eyes.

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