Back to Zeffo

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Hey guys, it's time for another chapter! I've been trying to get this chapter done, but I've been pretty busy recently. It's crazy that we're already on chapter 11 but I'm having a blast writing this story in my free time. Hopefully you guys have liked it so far! Please review or leave a comment and let me know what you think of the story so far! Finally, here's the chapter! 

P.S: For Wattpad, If anyone wants to create fan art of Cal and Luna that would be awesome! I would definitely make it the cover of a chapter and possibly the cover of the story, as well as give you credit for it! You don't have to I just know a lot of you are really talented, so let me know if you're interested! 

Ch. 11: Back to Zeffo

(Luna's POV)

Cal and I walked over to where the wookies were going and saw that they had found an elevator that goes up to the outside. We decided to wait until all the wookies had the chance to ride the elevator before we got on it. He and I stood with our hands on our hips as the elevator lifted us up slowly.

"Man, this is a slow elevator..." Cal complained.

"You would think the Empire would have a better lift with all the advanced technology they possess. Do you think any of the wookies know where Tarfful is?" I asked.

"I hope so. Having to explore every part of the planet looking for him sounds like a lot for just the two of us."

I shivered at the thought. I love exploration as much as the next girl but a whole planet? We would be here the rest of our lives! The elevator finally reached the top, and we were met with blaster shots and explosions. The elevator ended at another hangar platform, and it was covered with stormtroopers. The wookies that had gone before us were either running away from the troopers or fighting them.

"Of course!" I yelled, clicking on my lightsaber. Cal did the same and sighed.

"Here we go again."

We fought through the group of stormtroopers and did our best to avoid getting shot. It was extremely difficult because blaster shots were flying everywhere. Luckily, the force comes in handy in these types of situations. Somehow, it allows you to sense what's coming before it happens. That's the only way Cal and I are able to dodge every shot blasted at us. Of course, there are some that slip our senses.

"Watch out!"

Cal grabbed my shoulder and helped me duck a shot that would have hit me in the face.

"Thank you!" I yelled to him before I sensed a shot heading towards Cal's chest. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and pulled him towards me, the shot missing him by mere inches.

"Holy crap, thanks!" He thanked me back. I smiled at him, knowing we had each other's backs. He smiled too and looked around. The stormtroopers' numbers were beginning to wane. He looked back at me and nodded.

"Let's finish them off together!"

"Okay!" I replied. We reflected a few blaster shots back to the troopers, and they fell to the ground. Running at them, we let our courage overtake us so that we could beat all of the troopers. By the end of it, I was panting and sweating like crazy. Cal didn't look much better. Fortunately for us, it didn't look like the wookies suffered any losses. Maybe their fur acted as armor? I'm not exactly sure.

"Need a healing stim?"

I turned and saw that Cal was holding one in his hands with BD-1 staring at me with his lenses.

"I think I'm okay, just tired is all. Oh, wait! I think I have..."

I looked into my bag and took out a couple of small water bottles. The kind you get for free when you have to wait too long at the doctor's office. I handed one to Cal and then took a sip of mine.

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