Our Next Destination

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Hey guys, it's time for another chapter! This chapter will finish planet Zeffo and then move on to the next world! Hopefully, you guys have liked the story so far! Maybe I won't get writer's block with this chapter! Please review or comment and let me know what you think! Finally, here's the chapter!

Ch. 8: Our Next Destination

(Luna's POV)

I opened my eyes to see my old training room again. It was the same room I saw during our last flashback. Like last time, as soon as I touched Cal, I saw the same thing as he did...Or at least something similar to what he had experienced back when he was a Padawan. I'm still not sure why I have this ability, but I know that I want to know more about it. I want to understand if it's really my power.

"It's time for your next lesson, Luna."

I looked up and saw my master standing a few yards away from me. She was holding a couple of objects in her hands. They look like dodgeballs from where I was standing.

"It's time to learn how to "Force-push" objects. This ability is simple, but only if you focus on your hand and the object you're pushing. What you don't want is everything to be pushed at the same time. You only want to push what needs to be pushed. These dodgeballs in my hands are going to help you achieve this ability. I'm going to throw them at you so that you'll be solely focused on the ball rather than everything else," she said, tossing the ball in her hands a couple of times.

"T-Throw them at me?" I asked her in a slight panic. She smirked at the look on my face.


"What if I don't Force-push it, and it hits me in the face?"

"Then you get hit in the face and try again!" she laughed. I grimaced at her and raised my hands in a defensive position. Master Secura raised her own hands and threw one of the balls at me. I needed to focus on the ball and my hand that was pushing it. Staring at the ball, I shot my hand out, but the ball smacked into my palm.


"Try again!" my master instructed with an entertained countenance. I frowned and flicked my wrist to wave off the pain of the ball hitting my hand. She threw the ball, and I tried to focus again. It was difficult because the ball was flying right at you, so there's that lingering fear that it would hit you. I shook that fear away and shot my hand out again. This time, the ball was stopped in its tracks and fell to the floor. It wasn't necessarily a push, but it was a start.

"That's good! Now do it again and again until you're able to push the ball back to me!"

Over the next few minutes, she threw several dodgeballs at me, and I was able to push them back more and more. Sure enough, after the twentieth or so ball, I Force-pushed the ball as hard as I could, and it flew back into my master's hand.

"Excellent job, Luna! You can now Force-push objects!" she cheered before I suddenly found myself back in the Zeffo tomb. I was standing close to Cal, and my hand was snug around his arm. I looked from my hand to his face, and he was slowly opening his eyes. The familiar green eyes I was used to seeing revealed themselves to me, and he slowly smiled.

"You good? Did you have the same flashback as I did?"

"Yes and yes. I went back to my Force-pushing lesson with Master Secura," I said to him.

"Yeah, I did the same with my master too. 'What stands in the way becomes the way,' he used to say."

He turned to look at the crack in the wall and brought his hand out towards it. Flexing his fingers, he Forced the wall in, and the rocks that made it up fell to the ground. We had a whole new path to explore.

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