The Zeffo Temple

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Hey guys, it's time for another chapter! I hope you guys liked the new art of Cal and Luna because I love it! Please leave a review and comment on the chapter when you get done reading it. It really motivates me to write more chapters! I decided to make this chapter in Cal's POV because I thought it might be interesting! Finally, here's the chapter! P.S. the artist's name for this artwork is czeilia on Twitter. She did a fantastic job and you should check her out if you're interested!

 Ch. 13: The Zeffo Temple

(Cal's POV)

I opened my eyes with a slight groan escaping my lips. Considering Luna and I had to sleep on the floor, it wasn't as bad as you might think. I got in a few good hours of sleep, which is better than nothing. I tried sitting up but felt a weight on my right side that was keeping me down. I looked to my right and saw Luna sleeping soundly, her arms wrapped around mine like a pillow. I had forgotten that we slept so close together last night, not that I'm complaining. She looked so tranquil right now. Her long blonde hair was sprawled out over the blanket she had brought. She didn't snore at all, her breathing coming out muted. I moved my gaze past her and saw that BD-1 was sound asleep as well.

Man, what would I do without these two?

I know I've only known them for a short time, but it feels like forever. I haven't felt this happy with where I am in a long time. I feel like I can talk to Luna about anything, and BD's a great listener too. I can't imagine doing all of this alone. Sometimes I shudder thinking about the life I had in Bracca. I spent most of the time at work and when I was off, I usually stayed in bed. I was too afraid to go out in fear that a stormtrooper would recognize me as Jedi. But now, I have Luna and BD-1 with me. Even though I'm fighting against the Empire now, I'm certain that I'm better off this way.

I think it's time for everyone to wake up. Using my other hand, I gave Luna a gentle nudge until her eyes started to open. She made a tiny whimper as she opened her eyes completely, revealing to me two bright green irises.


"Time to wake up," I said to her quietly, trying not to annoy her after she just woke up. She slowly sat up but didn't let go of my arm. She rubbed her eyes and groaned.

"Ugh, I still feel tired. I wish we could sleep all day."

"You'll probably be wide awake after a few minutes," I informed her with a growing smile.

"I hope so...BD-1? Time to get up, BD-1!" she yelled to the droid. BD-1 sat there for a second in silence before powering on again. He shook his entire body before jumping in place. It almost looked like he was performing a morning exercise. He was too adorable for his own good.

"Today, we explore the new Zeffo tomb, remember?" I said to Luna, trying to get her to wake up even more. Her eyes widened, and she stood up, letting go of me completely.

"Oh crap, that's right! We should be learning some new stuff from Cordova about the Zeffo. I hope it brings us closer to the holocron. The sooner we have it, the quicker we can start protecting the children on that list from the Empire."

That was the plan. Whether we execute it correctly or not all depends on us. Luna and I got a quick bite to eat before we started moving again. We packed up all our stuff and headed in the Zeffo tomb's direction. Like Luna said yesterday, ahead was a series of walls over a deep dark abyss. This planet had a lot of those...Anyway, she and I ran across the walls until we reached the other side. Things were beginning to look familiar as we continued along. The signature Zeffo design was returning, which meant we had to be close to the tomb. Luna and I came up to a dead end with a crack in the wall.

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