Exploring Zeffo

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Hey guys, it's time for the next chapter! I just finished my last exam so I might have more time to work on the story. I haven't decided if I want to make Cal's POV a regular thing. I might just do it every now and then but feel free to let me know what you think about that. Also, if any of you are artists, I might be interested in making something with Cal and Luna. Please review or comment and tell me what you think of the story! The ones I've gotten so far were awesome to read! Finally, here's the chapter!

Ch. 6: Exploring Zeffo

(Luna's POV)

I woke up a little earlier than I usually did. I bet it was because I went to bed early yesterday. I was just feeling extremely tired out of nowhere. Hopefully Cal doesn't think I wanted to get away from him or something like that. I was exhausted, I swear!

I sat up in the bed and saw the blue rays of hyperspace rushing past my window still. That meant we hadn't reached Zeffo yet. I stretched my arms over my head and felt the bones in my back and shoulders pop. I groaned and got out of bed to take a shower. Greez hasn't knocked on my door so I wonder how long I have in the shower before he does.


I accidentally turned the water on the hot setting and flew my hand back as soon as I felt the scorching temperature hit my skin. I clenched my jaw at the showerhead and lowered the temp of the water.

"There we go."

I stepped in the shower and stood in the water for a second, trying to shake the sleep from my eyes. It's better to take a cold shower in the morning because it improves your circulation, which wakes you up faster. However, I just can't bring myself to take a cold shower as soon as I wake up. It's the absolute worst.

Once I finished, I turned off the water and dried my hair. For today, I decided on a messy ponytail. I figured since we'll be exploring Zeffo today, I better not wear it down. As for my outfit, I started looking through all of the clothes I had. I stopped at a poncho and narrowed my eyes.

"Cal, you sneaky bastard," I muttered with a smile. He must have left that in here for me. Well, guess what! I'm not wearing it, Cal! I tossed it to the side and stopped on a set of clothes that seemed right for today. The top was a gray, hooded wrap style top that was sleeveless and the bottom was a matching gray set of capri pants. Then for shoes, I just wore the brown boots I usually wear. The outfit's a style you'll see a lot on Hosnian Prime on women my age. I don't know, I think I look good in it!

Grabbing my lightsaber, along with fingerless gloves, I went to leave my room. I opened the door and my eyes widened at the sight of Greez about to knock on the door.

"Ah-ha, up early this time! Good, then you can wake up the kid. There's no way he woke up early too," he said with a laugh. He walked away from me and I snickered from his little comment about Cal.

"I'll do my best," I remarked. I walked across the hall to Cal's door and gave it a light knock. I heard nothing, not even a groan or complaint. I shook my head and opened the door slightly. Sure enough, he was sprawled out on the bed with a peaceful expression on his face. He looked as if he was having the best dream of his life. Too bad I had to ruin it...

"Cal, wake up," I said quietly, nudging his arm. He breathed in audibly through his nose and his eyes flickered open. I smiled and put my hands on my hips. "Ready to go to Zeffo?"

He slowly smiled back and yawned.

"Yeah, just need to shower up. I should be ready in a few minutes."

"Okay, I'll be in the kitchen," I told him before going out of the room and closing the door. I exited the hallway and Cere and Greez were already in the cockpit. I made my way over to them and leaned my arm on the back of Greez's chair.

A New Beginning - Cal Kestis x OCDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora