A Carefree Day

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Hey guys, it's time for another chapter! Sorry for taking so long with this, I had a couple of midterms to do. I survived them so now I can get back to working on this. I'm also almost done with my Legend of Zelda story, so I'll have more time to focus on this and the other story I'm paying attention to. Please review or comment on the story and tell me what you think of it so far. QUESTION: would y'all prefer me to switch the POV every chapter from Luna to Cal instead of just Luna? It might be more interesting that way. Anyway, here's the chapter!

Ch. 5: A Carefree Day

(Luna's POV)

I slowly opened my eyes after sleeping so peacefully. I haven't slept this good in a long time. I let out a small, almost muted groan and my vision recovered from the deep darkness it had been in for who knows how long. It's kind of hard to tell time when you're on a spaceship traveling through hyperspace.


I blinked a few times and saw Cal's face in front of mine. His eyes were closed, and he looked like he was getting a good sleep like I just had. His breathing was slowed so his chest raised and then went back down every few seconds. Some strands of his red hair had fallen over his face, which made me smile.

If he was awake, he would brush his hand through his hair like I had seen him do a few times on Hosnian Prime and Bogano. I don't think he realizes it, but whenever he does that, it's quite majestic.

I decided to stare at him for a bit. The freckles on his face look perfect on him. He also has really good skin, I've noticed...Not that I've been thinking about his skin or anything. I'm just saying...I'm a little surprised that he said he never had a girlfriend back on Bracca. Cal's a good-looking guy so I have to assume the girls on Bracca have shitty taste. He has a great personality too! He should've had me as his wingman or something...or wingwoman if we're being technical.

I stopped staring at Cal's face out of fear of being creepy and sat up with another groan. My body did not want to get out of this bed. It's like it was stuck to the bedsheets. My muscles felt heavier than any weight I've encountered at the gym. So, I just sat there...

"Good thing we don't have anything to do today," I muttered quietly to myself. I heard some groaning beside me and turned to see Cal opening his eyes. I mentally kicked myself for possibly being the reason he woke up. Why do I think things out loud!?

"Good morning," I said to him. He looked at me and began rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Oh, m-morning. Sorry, I'm so out of it whenever I first wake up."

"That's okay, I didn't wake you up, did I?" I asked worryingly. He slowly, and I mean slowly, sat up next to me and said he didn't hear my voice or anything when he woke up.

"Nah, did you say something? I think it was just a coincidence."

"Okay, good. That sleep was amazing! I'm convinced that your bed has magic powers or something," I said, patting the comforter. He chuckled in response.

"If it does, they just showed up last night. That's the best sleep I've had while I've been here. The other nights have been meh..."

I smiled and shrugged.

"It's a mystery!"

Knock! Knock!

Cal's face dropped at the loud knock on the door. That had to be Greez.

"That's funny, when he woke me up yesterday, he knocked on my door super quietly. But with yours he bangs the crap out of it."

"That's because he likes you better than me," He murmured in irritation. I giggled and hopped out of bed since Cal appeared hopeless at the moment. He was still half-asleep. I opened the door just as Greez was about to bang on it again and he looked surprised to see me.

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