The Origin Tree

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Hey guys, it's time for a new chapter! Sorry about the wait, I've been on vacation from work and just kind of write when I'm in the mood to. I hope you've liked the story so far! Please review or comment on it and let me know what you think! Finally, here's the chapter!

Ch. 16: The Origin Tree

The Mantis landed on the landing pad, and we all filed out of it. Like before, Cere and Greez stayed near the ship to intercept Imperial comms while Cal and I did all the journeying. If there was a designated job to be asleep the whole time, I would definitely go for that!

"You ready to go?" Cal asked, making sure I was good to start our day. I nodded eagerly and walked with him to the jungle path. The direction of where we had to go was relatively similar to before. Just before the prison where we had freed the Wookies, there was a bridge that was just out of reach for the two of us. Luckily, we knew a new trick to bypass that.

"Thannnnkkk you!"

I cooed as I force-pulled the bridge through the water toward us. It was heavy, and I needed Cal's help to move it all the way. Once finished, Cal wiped his brow and shielded the sun from his eyes.

"Damn, I'm already starting to sweat."

He wasn't alone. I was starting to feel it too.

"Me too. It's so humid on this planet. It takes some getting used to."

He nodded in agreement and then smiled.

"Yeah, it sucks, but at least I don't have to go through it alone."

I brushed my fingers down the moist skin of my throat before replying.

"It's always better when you have a buddy to suffer with you," I said, laughing, putting my arm around his back and rocking us from side to side a few times.

"Don't forget BD-1! Or wait...I don't think droids can sweat."

"Yeah, I don't think so either," I laughed again. BD made a set of beeps and, apparently, droids sweat oil? I don't know if I believe that...

"Jedi! How dare you run away from the great Sorc Tormo! I'm here today to stop you in your tracks!"

We...well...stopped in our tracks to look up at one of the tree branches above us. It was another bounty hunter.

"I am Oovo Adnan, and this is my partner, Flatakk!"

He motioned his hands to his side, and we looked to see his partner being chewed on by a giant Kashyyyk spider.

"Oh my..." I muttered.

"What the!? Flatakk! Flataak! Get the hell off of him!" The bounty hunter screamed as he shot his blaster at the arachnid. The spider didn't seem bothered at all and kept on eating. I looked at Cal, and his lips flattened into a straight horizontal line.

"It doesn't matter! I can take both of you on myself!" he yelled at us. Cal raised his left hand and swooshed it to the side, causing the bounty hunter to fly straight into the spider's nest. With lightning speed, the spider pounced on the man and pulled him deeper into the deep, dark nest.

The whole jungle went quiet, and we looked at each other for a second.

"There. Problem solved."

I resisted the urge to laugh. I shouldn't laugh, but come on!

"It seems Sorc Tormo already has bounty hunters assigned to capture us. But, if they're all like that...I really don't think we should worry about it."

"Me neither," he said back. We walked past the spider nest, careful not to go near the entrance of it, and continued on along the bridge. The bridge began to slant up, creating an incline for us. That just made me sweat even more.

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