Sugar rush- part 2

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"Thanks again babe, I really really appreciate it!" Jesy smiled, kissing my cheek and hugging me one last time.

"Honestly, I'm ready for a good nights sleep. I think Harvey is too," I laughed. "But it's a pleasure, she's too cute to ever refuse a good day together." "She's way too cute. Will you be at rehearsals Monday?" She asked. I nodded and walked towards the door. "Perrie, come say bye!" Jesy shouted into the other room. "BYE!" Perrie shouted from the other room. "No come say it, give Leigh a cuddle!" Jsy replied. "I pwaying dough mama!" Perrie groaned, loudly. "Perrie!" Jesy groaned back. "don't worry about it, I've seen her all day. BYE PERRIE!" I laughed. "BYWE WEIGH! WOVES WOO!" Perrie shouted. I could hear her race track going round and round as I walked out the door."Bye hun," Jesy laughed and waved at me as I got into my car. I loved babysitting Pez but she could be a handful. I guess it's partly my fault though- I did give her all the sugar.


I left Perrie to her devices as I cleaned up a little in the kitchen from making my dinner. Leigh had already given Perrie hers as she knew I'd be home later. I didn't mind of course! It meant it was easier for me now I'm home. All I had to do was give Perrie her bath and get her into bed. Obviously I'd missed the little bean so I am going to spend some time with her but for now, she's quite happy by herself.

Half way through washing the dishes, a little blonde munchkin came running in followed by her little blonde companion. "Hey princess, you okay?" I laughed, noticing she was out of breath. "Mama, Hatchwi would wike tweat!" she giggled, reaching up the the box where they were. "Hm what does he say?" I replied, holding Perrie's sides. "Pweaseeeee!" she squealed, wiggling under my threat to tickle her. I laughed and got down the box. "Where's Travis?" I asked, seeing her throw the treat up to Hatch. "Hwe sweeeepin," she giggled and ran away again. I just shook my head and laughed. She was too cute.

Once I was done, I walked back to Perrie's play room. It was bath time. "Princess Perrie!" I announced, she giggled and crawled to my feet. "Hwi mama! Woo come pway?" She asked and pointed to her race track. I laughed and nodded."I'll play one game then it's bath time okay?" I smiled and sat beside her. She nodded and handed me the blue remote. "Mama gets blue?!" I gasped. She giggled and nodded. "I fough I give woo chance to win mama, bwue wucky," she smirked. I shook my head and laughed, she was too cheeky. "Okay baby girl, lets see who wins!"


We ended up playing 10 games before we finally realised we'd been playing through bath time. I didn't mind though, I got to spend quality time with her which hasn't happened much recently as we've all been so busy! I've been busy with my project and we've had rehearsals as a group and Perrie's been doing her own thing too! There's just been a lot making it more difficult.

"I wace woo mamaaaa," Perrie announced, running past me and up the stairs. I rolled my eyes but followed her. I really did wander what on earth had given her so much energy but I guess that's going to have to go unknown for now. Perrie obviously beat me to the bathroom and had already stripped naked ad was sat in the empty bath, shocking me.

"What are you doing baba?" I chuckled, turning on the taps. She giggled and wiggled her toes then reached for her basket of toys. I pulled her hair out of the plaits whilst she selected them and the bath filled up. "Bubbwes!!" Perrie cheered and grabbed a whole bunch of bubbles. She placed them on her head and on her chin then did a fairly impressive Santa clause impression- perfect for this time of year! I smiled at her antics and let her get too it.

LITTLE MIX~ one shots!!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ