Come down

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"Perrie! Please stop. Come down." I screamed she shook her head. "Pez, Baby please. Let's talk about this." I heard Leigh cry. "Why? What's the fucking point!" She screamed back and inched closet to the edge. "Perrie! Stop." Jade said from the roof, they were both up there but Jade wasn't about to end her life. "Piss off! You're the reason I'm fucking doing this!" Perrie cried. "Pez, please I'm so sorry. Please, don't end it like this, I want to talk." Jade cried. "Why? So you can call me every name under the sun again? So you can bring me down with you! Let my whole world fall apart and hit me, so you can abuse me again?!" She cried. Me and Leigh looked at each other, we didn't know that happened. "No Pez, I'm sorry. That time was the biggest mistake of my life. I love you. I really do." Jade cried. "Too late." Perrie whispered. Her foot got closer to the edge and her heel slipped. Her hands lost grip. My whole world stopped.

"No!!!" I heard Jade scream, I opened my eyes and noticed Pez dangling from Jades arm. "Fucking help!" Jade screamed at me and Leigh, I don't think I've ever ran so fast.

We made it up to the roof, "help, she's slipping." Jade cried. I ran to her and gripped Pez's upper arm. "No, let me go." She wiggles. "No baby." I whispered, thankfully we got her back on roof, securely. "No! I fucking hate you!" She screamed and punched my chest. "Princess stop!" I whispered and stroked her arm. "I wanted to fucking die." She sobbed. "No you didn't, it's just your demons." I whispered and pulled her into my chest. "No." She repeated over and over. I noticed Jade inch closer to the edge. "Don't you fucking dare do that Jade." I scolded she jumped and moved away. She was always scared of me. "Perrie please calm down." I rocked her in my arms. "I want to die." She cried over and over. "No you don't. You have us, you have me and Leigh and Jade." I whispered and stroked her hair. "Not jade." She cried.

I can't believe Perrie almost ended her life because of me! I'm such a bitch, I've been treating her so badly this last month, I hit her a few times, I haven't been loving her, I've been getting piss drunk every night. He dad died and she needed me but I wasn't there. "Perrie, Baby I'm sorry," I whispered and moved to her and Jesy! "Fuck off!" She cried and moved away from me and Jesy. She tumbled backwards, closer and closer to the edge. "Perrie!" Leigh screamed as she stumbled over a rock and went of the edge. We heard a scream and rushed towards it.

She was led on the floor, flat, dead.

"No!" I cried, I turned and ran through the door. I've never ran so fast in my life.

When I finally reached the bottom floor out of 25, I was out of breath and feeling faint but Perrie was dead. I ran to her body in the side of the pavement. People had crowded and people were on phones to I'm guessing the police. "Perrie." I sobbed. I took her limb hand into mine and rested my head on her still stomach. "Oh Pez." Leigh cried and led down next to her, she cuddled into her side. Jesy just collapsed into tears at her feet.

"Girls, go in. She can hear you but we will take her off life support when you're done." The doctor said sadly, her family and friends had already been in, it was just us three left. "We'll go in first, when we come out you can speak to her on your own." Leigh said and rubbed my shoulder I nodded and sat in the chair next to her door. I could hear occasional sobs. This is all my fault. "Your turn Jadey, we'll be waiting here." Jesy smiled weakly and kissed my cheek. Here goes nothing.

"Hey princess." I smiled sadly as I saw her, she was connected to machines, whirring and beeping noises filled the room. "I don't know if I am allowed to call you that," I sighed and sat on the side of the bed b cut to her. "I know you can hear me, so I'll just tell you what I need to." I whispered. "First of, I'm so fucking sorry. I shouldn't have taken anything out on you. I should never have got you, never shouted at you, I should have been there when dad died. I'm just so sorry Pez. You really are my true love. Everything about you was loveable. The way your hair flows effortlessly over your shoulders." I sighed and twirled her golden licks through my fingers. "The way your fave lights up when your happy." I whispered and blinked back the tears. "The way you protect any of us at any cost." I sighed and wiped my falling tears. "You are the best thing that's ever happened to me baby, that's saying something. The first time we met you made me all fuzzy and flustered, when we won the XFactor, how happy you were, that is what added to my happiness. Our first date." I just smiled at the thought. "Our first kiss was perfect." I sighed happily remembering the water. "Everything we've done together will stick with me forever." I whispered and started sobbing. "It's my fault you're in this posting princess." I whispered against her chest. "Just telling you, I love you with all my god damn heart. My world will never be the same with out you. I can't believe you're gone. Have fun in heaven princess. I love you!" I cried and planted my lips on hers one last time. I stood up and walked away. Taking one last look at her death bed, I walked out.

"It's done." Debbie said as she walked out of Perries room with blood shot eyes. My blonde baby is gone. I'll never see her ocean eyes again. My baby. Gone forever.

Where the fuck did this come from? Goodness me! I'm sorry!! Xx

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