Chicky pt2

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Thankfully, breakfast went by without any problems at all. Perrie made sure Hatchi, Travis, Oscar and Reggie had extras too, even though I told her not to. She just giggled and dropped them. I couldn't be mad at her though, her cute little dimpled smile was too cute really. She still has her egg but I told her to keep it on the TV cabinet whilst she's playing just in case. I wanted to boil it really so it was less likely to crack but I'm not sure she'd give it up long enough to allow me to.

"Mama," Jade pouted and ran to me with her doll in her hand. I was tidying the kitchen and had left Perrie and Jade to play in the lounge with the play gate around them so the dogs couldn't get to them. "What's the matter baba?" I asked and took the doll. "He dirty," she cried and pointed to where her doll had gotten a little bit of paint on it. It was probably from the other day when they were painting. "It's alright baby, we can clean him," I smiled and stroked her head. She nodded sadly. I quickly picked up a clean cloth and wiped the baby. It was only water colour paints so I knew it would come off easily. However, just as it began to come off, I heard a scream and cry from the other room followed by a succession of barks. Jade looked at me with wide eyes and ran into the other room, I followed immediately. Perrie was pushing the dogs out of the way in her play area and crying heavily. "Hey, hey, what's happened?" I asked and went over. Then I saw the splattered egg on the floor. Perrie looked at me with the saddest eyes. "Bad doggie!" Jade scolded and pointed her finger at Hatchi who only growled back in response. "Jadey baby, take them outside for me, I need to clean this up," I said softly to Jade. I warned Perrie not to play with the egg on the carpet and to keep it on the TV cabinet and now she hasn't listened so we have a huge egg stain on our carpet. I was a little annoyed but I wasn't mad. Perrie's cries echoed through the now silent room as Jade took all four dogs outside. I looked at her and she looked back at me. She sniffled and rubbed her eyes and wiped her nose. She was still tired and now her 'chicky' had just... well died. "Come here lovely," I pouted and sat on the sofa. She crawled over to me and sat across my knee and hid her face in my chest. I cradled her and rubbed her back. I played with her hair too. "It's alright baby girl," I whispered and rocked us slightly. She sniffled and wiped her face on my top. "She goned mama," she cried heavily as a new set of tears came. "It's okay baby girl, she has gone to a special chicky heaven," I explained. It wasn't true but I had to go with it. "S-she has?" she sniffled and looked up at me softly. "Mhmm," I looked back at her wet face and tucked some hair behind her ear, "she's very happy up in her chicky heaven now baby! What do you think she's doing?" I smiled and continued rocking us. "Erm, s-she, I no no mama," she sighed and began sucking her thumb again. "I think she might be swimming! And I reckon she's made some awesome chicky friends already," I chuckled and planted a kiss on Perrie's hot head. "Yeah mama, I fink she swimmin too," she mumbled and snuggled closer to me. "She wouldn't want you to be sad princess," I whispered and played with her hair. "Otay mama," she sniffled again and snuggled in close to me. "Good girl, I love you," I replied and squeezed her a little tighter. "I woves woo mama," she mumbled. "Do you want to go outside and cuddle with Jade for a little while baby?" I suggested. She sat up and nodded before wiping her runny nose on the back of her hand. I giggled and picked up a tissue and gently wiped her face. She smiled softly. "You head outside and let Jadey know mummy is tidying up okay?" I said and stroked her back. She nodded again and went to where Jade was. I quickly got to work on tidying up the egg mess and then decided I'm going to boil Perrie a whole family of chickies. I knew after this, despite what I'd said, she's going to be sad and sensitive all day and I didn't want that at all. She was my precious baby and whenever she is sad, Jade is sad and then because both my babies are sad, I'm sad. And, when everyone in the house is sad, the doggies are sad and it's no fun for anyone. I try and keep everyone as happy and as lively as possible.


"Come get it hatch, come get it," I teased and moved the ball around Hatchi's head so he was running in circles. Reggie was barking at me and Oscar and Travis were playing in the grass. I really really wanted to go in and cuddle Perrie but mama told me to keep the dogs entertained. It made me sad knowing my princess was sad. I hoped I could make her feel better soon. I wanted to give her super big cuddles and love her lots and lots and give her millions of kisses. I smiled thinking about it. Perrie was my Perrie, now and always. Just as I was getting impatient and about to go back inside, Perrie came from the door. Her cheeks and eyes were red and her hands shook a little bit, she was super sad. I ran up to her. She didn't even look at me properly just wrapped her arms around my shoulders and cried into my neck. I pouted and rubbed her back.

"It otay Pezza," I mumbled and played with her hair a little. "M-mwy chicky," she cried. I sighed and held her tightly. "No cwy," I whispered and stood her up straight. I wiped her tears quickly and kissed each of her cheeks. She giggled a little. I took hold of her hand and walked us to sit on the outdoor benches. She sat in between my legs and snuggled up closely to me. I held her tightly and kissed her head again. She smiled a little bit and nudged my lips with her head. I giggled and kissed her head. She nudged me again. I kissed her head over and over then moved to kiss her cheeks and nose. She giggled louder this time and tried to push me away but I shook my head and kissed her everywhere but her lips. She giggled more and scrunched her eyes shut every time I kissed her nose. I kept kissing her more and more when suddenly I felt Hatchi jump up onto Perrie and he licked her face too. I cringed. I didn't want to kiss dog saliva.

"Hattttttch," I whined but Perre giggled more with Hatchi kissing her too. I smiled and just stuck to kissing her head rather than her whole face since Hatchi took that job. Once the the kisses had died down a little, I held Perrie close to me and played with her hair. "I no sad no more," she mumbled and cuddled up closer to me. "Good, I no wike when woo swad," I replied and squeezed her. She smiled and snuggled into me. I loved Perrie, with my whole heart and I never ever ever wanted to let her go.


Once Perrie's eggs were boiled, I put them in a bowl and walked outside with them. Reggie and Oscar came running up to me barking. I played with them a little and stroked them and their fluffiness. When I looked up at the girls, it was the cutest sight. Perrie had fallen asleep in Jade's arms and Jade was playing with Pez's hair. It made my heart swoon. I walked over to them and sat at the other end of the sofa. "Hey sweets," I whispered softly and caressed Jade's leg. She smiled at me. "Hi mama," she whispered back. I chuckled. "You still feeling little?" I asked. She nodded slightly. "Just older I tink," she mumbled and rubbed her eyes. "Alright then, that's okay. I made Perrie some more chicky friends that shouldn't die this time," I smiled and put the bowl of hard boiled eggs on the table. "It's silly because she had egg for bweakfast," she giggled quietly. "It is a bit silly but she doesn't understand," I replied sweetly. Jade nodded and looked to the eggs. Suddenly her eyes went wide and she gasped.

"Can we paint them?!" She asked excitedly. "Paint them?" I replied. "Yeah! W-we could paint little people on them! Pezza would woveeeeeee that mama!" She cheered. Perrie whimpered in her arms and Jade covered her mouth. I chuckled silently and stroked Perrie's head. "Go back to sleep baby girl, it's okay," I mumbled. Jade smiled nervously at me. I shrugged and smiled back. "Do you want a nap too bubs?" I asked. She shrugged but then nodded softly. "Alright, it's a nice enough day to stay out here if that's okay with you?" I suggested. She nodded and moved around a little bit. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

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