One last...

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We were walking through the airport and I had a tight grip on Perrie's hand. Her and Zayn having been having a couple,of problems,lately and she is highly emotional. Just as we entered the car, which was to take us to our hotel, her phone rang. She took it out of her bag, swiped right and put it to her ear. Me, Jesy and Leigh-Anne could all hear the conversation.
Z: hi
P:hey babe
Z: don't.
P:don't what?
Z:say babe, look Pez. I can't do this anymore
P:do what! I'm confused what's going on?
Z:I'm breaking up with you.
Z:I love someone else, I've slept with someone else, I've kissed them, we get on better than you and I. I'm sorry.

He hung up. She broke down in tears, I could already sense it so I threw my seat belt off and bolted to her. "Oh Pez." Leigh sighed and came to her side as well. Jesy crouched down in front of her rubbing her knees, trying to give her comfort. "Why?" She cried into my chest. "He isn't worth this love." Leigh whispered and rubbed her back. "I love him." She cried again. "We know you do, but you're too good for him." Jesy whispered. We all thought Pez had been lucky with love, found her soulmate at a young age spend the next 80 years with him, obviously we were wrong. "Why me?" She cried. Just then she sat up, pulled the engagement ring off her finger and threw it down the drain which was next to the door. "Good one Pez." Jesy laughed and wiped her tears. We all knew more were coming.

We arrived at the hotel, during the full 1 hour journey, Perrie has stared out the window, to talking to any of us, not even looking at us. I hate that she distances herself when she has problems, it makes us all feel bad. "Come on princess." I whispered and pulled her in. Paul gave me mine and Perrie's key and I walked us to my room first. I knew she wouldn't even stay in hers by herself, never mind sleep in it. "Perrie." I whispered and looked at her, she had tears in her eyes and she was staring down at her ring finger. "Hey, hey. Stop." I whispered to her and lifted her chin. "He isn't worth it." I said and pulled her into my chest, she instantly stared sobbing.

It's tough, so so tough. But I have my girls, my three sisters here. We had all gathered in Jade's room, we had ice cream, chocolate and chick flicks. We know we shouldn't be having the junk but they said it's a special occasion. I can't believe he actually broke it off. 3 year relationship and 2 year engagement ended like that. Over the phone. In public. I just wished he did it differently at least to my face so I could have slapped him. "Stop thinking about him Pez." I heard Leigh whispered next to me. "I can't." I said back. Jesy and Jade where too engrossed in the film to notice us talking. "I know it's hard baby, but you'll get over it. I promise, you're way to good for him anyway." She giggled and hugged me. "Yeah I guess so." I sighed and settled into her touch.

We were just about to turn the lights off when Perrie started sobbing. "Oh love." I cried and took her into my arms. We all know this is what comes with heart break, crying, anger, guilt and just an overload of uncontrollable emotions. "I just- I just wanted one last hug." She cried. I hugged her tighter, I tighter my embrace on her. "One last word of encouragement." She whispered again. "You're amazing princess." I mumbled in her ear and kissed it. "One last forehead kiss." She cried harder. I pressed my lips to her head. "One last normal kiss." She cried. I paused, should I kiss her. Of course, fucking do it.
I lifted her head and looked her in the eyes. "One last normal kiss." I whispered and kissed her, properly. I pressed my pink limps to her slightly wet ones. After a few moments of attachment we pulled away. "One last I love you." She whispered, not breaking the eye contact we had. "I love you." I replied and pulled her into me more. I pulled her against my chest, her head resting there comfortably. I looked over her shoulder and saw Jesy and Leigh staring at us, their eye brows were raised. "I'm just helping her." I mouthed they nodded and rolled their eyes in a 'sure' kind of way. I chuckled to myself.

Night came, Jesy and Leigh were asleep, but I could feel Perrie still awake, we hadn't left each other's side since the kiss. "Jade?" I heard her mumble from my chest. "Yes princess?" I asked. "That won't change anything will it? The kiss?" She asked. "No, it won't Perrie. I just wanted to make you feel better." I reassured her. "You don't like me or anything?" She asked. "No baby, you're my best friend, my sister. I don't think of you as a lover." I whispered and ran my hands through her hair. "Okay good." She shuffled and sat up. "This won't mean anything then." She sighed and kissed me, it was a surprise but I'm not going to lie and say I don't like it. "Sorry, I just wanted a kiss. You're a much better kisser than him anyway." She laughed and led back down. "I'll take that as a compliment." I chuckled and kissed her head. "Goodnight Perrie." I whispered. "Nite Poopey." She replied, I finally let my eyes drop.

I hope you liked, it didn't take me long to write this whatsoever so sorry for mistakes! X

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