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"For gods sake Perrie," Jesy groaned, holding back Perries hair as she threw up inside the elevator. Perrie whined, she was beyond drunk. I was sober but Jesy and Leigh weren't. I chuckled and rubbed Perries back. She leaned back and rested her head on the back wall.

"You're bloody lucky you don't have a sense of smell girl," Leigh gagged. I laughed again and took Perrie's hand. Perrie followed me but whined more. Next thing she's doing is sitting in the middle of the corridor, trying to untie her heels. I laughed and stayed by her side.

"Jadeyyyy," Jesy laughed, reaching for me.

"Go get in bed baba, I'll be there soon. And shh," I said to her, putting a finger on her lips. She smirked, licked my finger and walked off. I laughed and wiped my finger on my dress.

A bit more sober Leigh took Jesy's hand and they went to their room. I was sharing with Perrie today, Jesy and Leigh were sharing.

"Come on bubba," I chuckled, lifting Perrie up. She was crying now, I wasn't sure why but her shoes were off and she was very much in need of sleep. She let me get her up and I walked with her at my side to our bedroom.

She instantly flopped on the bed and I got her some pjs out.

"Will you be okay for a minute whilst I check on Jesy and Leigh?" I asked her, caressing her cheek and attempting to wipe some tears. She nodded sadly. I planted a gentle kiss on her forehead and went out. I left the door open slightly so I could still hear Perrie if she called for me and knocked on Jesy's door.

"You there girls?" I asked, wiggling the handle. Leigh opened it, she was topless.

"Baby, put a top on," I chuckled, turning her around and walking her back into the room. Jesy was sprawled across the bed, face down.

"Babes, you need to get changed," I said softly, rubbing her back but all I got in reply was a push of the hand and a whine. I nodded and removed her shoes for her. I put them away and put the cover over her.

"Goodnight babes," I kissed her cheek and made sure Leigh was okay.

"I'll be fine," she mumbled, waving me off.

"Okay, sleep well baba," I blew a kiss and went back out.

Our door was still open so I went in quietly, locking it behind me. Perrie wasn't where I left her.

"Perrie love, where are you?" I chuckled and knocked on the bathroom door. She wasn't in there.

"Pez babe, you hiding from me?" I laughed. Just then, I felt the breeze on my leg as the curtains moved- I forgot we had a balcony. I went out, creeped behind the curtain. She was sat on the railing, legs out. Panic instantly flooded me. She was drunk- definitely wasn't safe.

"Baby?" I mumbled, slowly coming closer to her. She looked to me sadly.

"Why you here Hm?" I asked, standing beside her.

"It feels nice," she mumbled, swinging her legs over the side.

"Can I hold you?" I asked, hoping I can get some grip on her in case there is a fall because I'll reiterate- she's very drunk.

"Why?" She said, innocently.

"So I know you're safe," I giggled, putting my hands gently on her exposed waist.

"You're hands are cold," she slurred, taking them off her waist.

"Well then let me warm them up," I sighed, wrapping my arms tightly around her waist and resting my chin in her shoulder.

After a couple of minutes, I felt a tear drop onto my arm. I squeezed her right and looked at her. Tears were streaming steadily down her cheeks and her eyes looked so sad and empty.

"What's the matter?" I pouted, wiping some tears.

"I- you're holding me," she whimpered.

"Yeah I am," I nodded, not understanding why that was making her cry.

"B-but I want to fall," she sobbed. At those words, she shoulders heaved and she racked in my arms. I'm so so glad I was holding her. I squeezed her a little tighter and tried to make her feel loved.

"Why do you want to fall?" I asked her, sadly.

"Be-because I-it's too hard," she whimpered, looking at me desperately. I shook my head and sighed.

"It gets easier," I said to her. She shook her head

"N-no. I- I it can't," she cried, letting a new wave of tears come.

"It will," I said softly, stroking her head. She shook her head and sobbed more.

"I- I don't like it," she choked, sighing heavily and looking back out over the city.

"You're a shining star baby, the most beautiful shining star in the sky. If you burned out then everyone who loves you will be missing the brightness they need for essential life," I said, being inspired by the gleaming stars.

"I-I'm already burnt," she cried, resting her head on mine.

"But you still have that energy you need petal, I know you do. It's in there, however deep down but it's there and it's special and you need it to keep going," I whispered, stroking her hip.

"I'm scared," she whimpered, she sounded so small and fragile.

"I know baby, I know," I whispered back.

"Shall we get down? So I can hold you properly?" I asked her, she sat up and shrugged. I took her hand and lifted one leg back onto the safe side of the balcony and her other leg too. She stood up, wobbly but rested her head on my shoulder.

"Let's go get some pjs on and we can cuddle," I kissed her head and took her hand. She sat on the bed whilst I prepared her some clothes to wear.

"Get undressed baby," I said and put her clothes next to her. She snuggled and began getting changed. I got myself changed too. 

Once we were both ready, I cuddled her close to me under the warm covers and breathed in her strawberry scented shampoo. She was my bestest friend, my sister and I could never lose her. "You'll be okay my love," I muttered and brushed my lips on her cheek. She smiled sadly and snuggled closer to me. 

"Try and get some sleep, we can have a proper chat in the morning," I mumbled and kissed her forehead. My heart hurt knowing she was hurting. I held her tighter and made sure she felt safe, loved and protected. 

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