Lucky stars

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We had all been invited to a party tonight, it was Ariana Grande's pool party. We had been touring with her for 1 week only and we had become really close with her. We all laugh and dance to music post show, we have sound check and after we Finnish our run she stands up and wolf whistles, she is the sweetest person ever!

We all had swimsuits on and was ready to go, Pez was ecstatic about this party but I had a feeling I need to keep an eye on her, I just have a gut feeling something bad is going to happen.

We arrived at the party around 8pm, Ariana greeted us with open arms, we went to the back where the pool was and music was blaring, funny enough it was our song. Perrie grabbed Jades hand and they ran off to the bar. Oh geez. Leigh laughed and whispered, "They are so cute together." Into my ear, I agreed completely. We went to the chairs and sat down, this party hadn't even started and people were already wasted, I just had to keep an eye on Perrie and Jade. After five minutes, Jade joined us with three drinks, "Vodka and coke for the mum," she laughed and passed it me. "And a mai tai for Leigh-Leigh." She laughed and handed Leigh the drink, she sat down with a sex on the beach in her hand. "Where's Pez?" I asked her. "Still at the bar, she was too comfy to move apparently." Jade laughed and rested her head on my shoulder. "Okay baba, you good?" I asked her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "I'm great!" She smiled.
"HEY, HANDS OFF MY GIRL," I heard Perrie shout from behind us, I hugged Jade tighter. I knew I was making her jealous and it was adorable. "JESY, IM WARNING YOU," I heard her shout, a few eyes darted at us and when thy saw what was happening they laughed. I kissed Jades cheek. "That's it Nelson!" She shouted and ripped my away from Jade, Jade couldn't stop laughing, I could smell the alcohol on Perrie's breath. "Pez, we've been here 10 minutes, lay off the drinks a bit babe." I laughed, she scowled at me and walked to Jade, Jade stood up and they connected lips.
There was a cheer from the crowd, I forgot none of these celebs know about Jerrie except us, hopefully they'll keep it quiet.

It was about 11pm, we were all drunk. The party was just getting started. People were jumping around the pool to loads of different songs. Dry-ice smoke swirled in arrays of blues, acid greens and hot pinks. I feel on top of a mountain, like I'm could shout at the top of my lungs and no one will hear me. I bang my head to the rhythm of the music. I feel my dress swirling around my thighs. I feel my soul shine so bright my skin begins to glow.
But who knew such a great night could turn into a horrible one for her...

I was dancing with Pez, our hands were connected and we were swaying our hips to Shakira 'hips don't lie'. We were smiling at each other, I felt my heart radiating with happiness. The song finished and we let out a breath, she walked into my arms. "Baby, how many drinks have you had?" I asked her laughing slightly. "I dunno, like 20-30." She shrugged adorably. "Baby girl, you need to lay off them a bit, we have a show tomorrow." I laughed kissing her head. "Oh well, I have you I'm okay." Her words were slurring slightly but I found it adorable. "I love you." She whispered and kissed my neck. Her lips moved down my collar bone and she reached the top of my boob, her hands reached around to my back. "Baby, no." I laughed and took hold of her hands. "Please Jadey, I want them." She cried kissing my boobs over and over. "Sweetheart, maybe later." I laughed, she just sighed. "I need to wee wee." She cried. "Go on then..." I laughed again. "Yeah, okay." She shook her head confused. "Go where?" she asked me seconds later. I let out a loud laugh. "The bathroom." I said with an obvious tone. "To have sex?" She asked and her eyes lit up. "Perrie, you just said you needed toilet." I chuckled and took hold of her under her elbows since she was swaying slightly. "Oh yeah I did." She laughed and leant in for a kiss. "Go on then baba." I said and pushed her away, I walked behind her though.

It all happened so fast, me and Perrie were walking I stopped to tell Jesy how drunk Perrie was and I let her out of my sight for a second.
"Oh shit!" I heard someone scream, I ran to see what had happened. Perrie was lying limb in the water. "Jade I'm so sorry, someone pushed me and I stumbled into her." Shawn said. "It's oaky Shawn.' I said and jumped in after Pez, some people were already in the water, but she fell quite far in. I got to her and she was being held up by James Arthur and Demi Lovato. I took one look at her and saw blood coming out of her head. Shit shit shit! "Get her to the side." I heard someone shout, I helped James and Demi swim to the side, some security guards were holding their arms out to take her. I climbed out of the pool after, the security guards carried her into the building. "JADE!" I heard Jesy shout. I waved my arm around, seconds after I was joined by her and Leigh. We ran into the house, paramedics were looking after Pez, she looked lifeless. I turned to Jesy and cried into her shoulder.

I woke up to my head banging, it was throbbing almost, like my brain was throbbing. I opened my eyes and the light hurt me. Someone was shining a torch in my eyes. I groaned and covered my eyes. But I felt something wet on my hands, I pulled my hand from my head and saw blood on it. What the fuck. "Jade." I started crying. Where was I? Why do I feel so drunk? Why am I wet? Why is my head bleeding? "Baby." I heard Jade say, I felt my head lift up and then my eyes locked with hers, she rested my head on her knee. "Perrie, love, I need you to let us check you over but you should be okay." The paramedics said. "Wh-what happened?" I asked and Jade wiped my tears. "You got pushed into the pool, you are really drunk baby, so you fell straight to the bottom and banged your head." Jade said. Nooooo. "Jadey." I cried, she ran her hand through hair. "Let them sort you and we will be fine baba." I heard Jesy say, she was stood at the back side of the sofa, I nodded softly.
After 30 minutes, I was stitched up, the paramedics left, my head was still hurting though. I was wrapped in a towel sat on Jades knee. Jesy came over and handed me a water bottle, I thanked her. Leigh was sat next to me comforting me by rubbing my back and saying kind words. "You okay Perrie?" I heard Shawn say, I turned around and nodded. "I'm sorry I pushed you." He said and crouched in front of me. "It was an accident." Jade laughed. "Yeah it was but still." Shawn laughed. "It's okay Shawn, I'm still alive." I said and smiled sadly. I felt so horrible.
Just then I began coughing, but this wasn't any normal cough, water was coming up to. Shawn moved out of the way and handed me a bowl. I felt sick, I looked at Jade for reassurance. "It's okay babe, cough it up." She said and kissed my cheek, Jesy was holding the bowl, Leigh was rubbing my back and Jade was hugging me. My three favourite girls is all I need right now.

I stared throwing up. Everywhere. "Oh babe, let's get you to the bathroom." Jesy picked me up and carried me to the bathroom, she sat me down and Jade joined my side. I started crying. "Oh baby, you're okay." Jade said, "I don't feel well." I cried and turned to Jade, I cried into her shoulders, "you won't, babe, you did almost drown." Jade said and rubbed my back. "Lets go to sleep Pez, you should feel a little better in the morning." Jesy suggested, I nodded. Jade picked me up bridal style and Carrie dame to the spare bedroom. I'm guessing Ariana said we could use it after what happened to me.

Jade got me changed into proper pjs and we led in bed together. "Good night sweet." She said and kissed my head. "Good night Jade." I replied and cuddle up to her more.
I'm thank my lucky stars I have these three girls.

LITTLE MIX~ one shots!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora