Oh Pezza

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We were all cuddled up on the bed in the hotel room munching on popcorn. We decided to have a girls night in Leigh's room since we needed to relax and rewind. But now Jesy and Leigh had decided to put a horror film on but we made them promise to put a Disney film on afterwards so me and Jade could actually sleep peacefully tonight.

"AHHHHHH," I screamed as a man with a bloody knife popped up on the screen. "FUCK," Jade shouted.

It was about an hour and a half into the film and I really needed the toilet like it was hurting. But I was wayyyyy to scared to even put a foot out of the covers. I didn't want to say anything to Jesy and Leigh because they'll think I'm being pathetic and I know I am but I'm just so scared. "Ah Fuck!" I screamed as someone got stabbed in the back, just then I felt a wetness spread around my thighs. I haven't? I felt around my vagina and realised it was all wet, I just burst into tears. I just wet myself. Fuck. "Perrie, are you okay?" Leigh asked. "It's just the film." I sighed and tried to hide the fact I had just wet myself. I was so embarrassed like so so embarrassed and scared.

I carried on crying for another 10 minutes before Jesy paused the film and turned the light on. "Pez, darling. What's the matter?" Jade asked rubbing my back. "I-I h-had an ac-accident." I cried. Jesy pulled back the duvet which was covering us and saw the wet patch by my legs. "Oh Pezza, it's okay." Jade whispered and pulled me into her chest. "I'm sorry." I cried and clung to her. "Don't be sweetheart, but why didn't you go to the toilet?" Leigh asked me. "I was too scared." I cried and clung to Jade more, this was so embarrassing. "Oh love, tell us next time, yeah. Come on let's get you cleaned up." Jade whispered and lifted me up into her arms. She set my feet on the floor which was even more embarrassing because everyone could now see how wet my pants actually were. Jade walked over to my bag and got out some knickers and shorts for me, she came back and took my hand. "Come on love." she smiled and locked us in the bathroom.

I feel so bad for Perrie,she must be so embarrassed. "Pull your pants down baby." I whispered and she shook her head. "Would out like me to do it?" I asked her she nodded sadly. I pulled her wet pants from her legs and she kicked them off her ankles. "Here wipe your legs." I passed her a couple of baby wipes and she did so. I pulled out her knickers and held them out for her to step into. I then pulled them up past her bum. At first I thought this was a little strange but she isn't in the best mind to be doing it herself. I then did the same with her shorts. "You good now?" I asked her, she nodded and wrapped her arms tightly around my waist. "Thank you Jade." She whispered.  "It's okay love, next time tell us okay, no matter how scared you are." I laughed and bopped her nose. She giggled and walked back to Jesy and Leigh.

It was midnight when I woke up needing a wee, but I was too scared, way to fucking scared. Even after my accident, they insisted on finishing the film and even though we had watched toy story after it, I was still terrified. I squirmed a bit uncomfortably but then realised I can hold it till morning, I led back down and went back to sleep.

I woke up to my hand resting on something wet, I opened my eyes and realised my hand was in a wee patch, I looked over at Perrie and saw her crotch area was wet again. "Oh love." I decided she will need waking up now to avoid embarrassment. I shuffled closer to her and wiggled her shoulders. "Perrie, baby wake up." I whispered in her ear, surprisingly it was easy. She obviously felt the wet patch between her legs and was quickly in tears. "Come on love, let's get you changed." I whispered she shook her head. "Perrie please, I don't need you getting a rash or anything." I whispered and cradled her in my arms she nodded and walked to the bathroom. I quickly got her some new underwear and shorts for the second time tonight. I'm going to put this down to the scary movie but if it happens again I will get her checked out. "Legs out princess." I whispered as she sat in the toilet seat she did so and I pulled off her wet shorts and underwear. I then cleaned her since she was clearly too tired to do it herself which I didn't mind since I have done more than this before. I helped her step into her knickers and then we walked slowly back into the bedroom. "Try not to have another accident baby." I whispered to her and led down. I had covered the wet patch with a blanket. I'll talk to Jesy and Leigh tomorrow.  "Nanite Pez." I whispered and kissed her head. "Nite Jade." She replied. And drifted off to sleep.

It's short but cute I think! ❤️

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