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Hey guys, I just want to mention now, you need to read this one shot at your own risk. It mentions triggering topics, I won't give to much away. But I also want to thanks littlemixlove22 for sharing her ideas with me. Again read at your own risk. Xxx

"I can't believe we just met Little Mix." We heard the young girl shout to her parents as we walked back to our dressing room, we were all laughing and joking at her cuteness. Pez and Jade were holding hands and Leigh had her arm linked with mine. I opened the door and we piled in, we sat on the sofa and sighed out contently. "30 minutes until show time." Pez whispered, we all nodded.
That's when we heard the first explosion. It was followed by screams. Perrie jumped up and ran to the door. "Pez no!" I shouted and ran after her, she couldn't go far since a security officer ran into us and picked Perrie up, she was crying already. Just then one more explosion was heard. "Girls!" We heard Paul shout. He ran into our dressing room. "What happened?" Leigh blurted out. "Bombs, two of them, one in the tickets area and one outside." He sighed sadly. "Girls we need to leave before any more go off." He added, we quickly packed some things. But Perrie was frozen to the spot, she was shaking and crying. "Pez, babe." I said and hugged her. She carried on shaking her head. "Perrie, baby. Come on." Jade added. "T-t-t-they are a-a-all d-dead." She cried. And started sobbing into Jades shoulder. I quickly packed Perrie's bag whilst Leigh finished packing Jade's. "Girls, we need to move." Paul shouted getting restless, we all had our stuff.
Just as we were about to walk out the door, another explosion was heard, this time it sounded louder and closer. "SHIT!" Paul shouted. "Where was it?" Leigh asked sadly. "The arena, inside, near the seats." He sighed listening to his radio. Perrie had stopped dead and was sobbing into her hands. "Sweetheart , we need to leave." Paul said rubbing her back. "They have all died." She cried and cried.
"Girls, there is someone with a gun coming this way, get the fuck out!" A security guard shouted. "No, kill me too." Perrie cried as we tried to drag her, a gun shot was fired. "Lets go!" Jade screamed, grabbed Perrie's arms and dragged her. Thankfully Pez then came back to reality and we ran to the tour bus, but it wasn't that easy. Someone had sent off a smoke bomb in the hallway so we were running through thick smoke, gun fires were constantly going off. My heart was pounding out of my chest, my brow was sweaty. All I cared about was getting my sisters out of this safely. "Straight forward girls, come on. I can see the light." Our security officer, Josh, shouted, I saw a faint arm waving. I felt like we had been running for miles. Just then I heard him grunt and I could no longer see him or hear him, I also heard the gun shot. After what felt like hours, we finally reached the tour bus. We climbed on and instantly started driving.

As we drove the parking lot though, we could see the damage. Half the building was blown off. There was children crying, fire men, police men, paramedics. Everyone was on the scene. People were still screaming. We even saw a few body parts, a leg and a hand. "It was our show, people were coming to see us." Leigh cried and started sobbing. Perrie was still crying, she was led down on Jade's knee who was about to cry. I walked and sat in between Jade and Leigh, they both lent into me and we all started crying together.

All our phones were going crazy with notifications so I opened the group chat with us and our mams.
PeM-girls, are you safe?
JaM- please pick up!
JeM-be okay!
Jesy- We're okay, we are on the tour bus.
JeM-Thank god. Is anyone on hurt?
Jesy-we aren't but there was so many casualties outside, can you imagine inside.
PeM- Oh girls, don't think about that. Those fans, them people loved all of you to pieces, they would have died happy.
Jesy- Pez and Leigh keep saying it's our fault, we should have been more careful.
JaM-oh no, it's not your fault at all. You'll be okay, you're a group of strong girls with lots of people who still love you. You'll get through it together.
Jesy-Thank you Norma xx

LITTLE MIX~ one shots!!!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя