Lets try it-pt4

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I do like being a baby agin, well I love it actually. I love when Jade carries me and lets me sleep on her. Or when she feeds me my bottle whilst I lie next to her and play with her hair. I love not having to worry about looking after myself. The only thing I don't like though, is pooping in my nappy. I don't mind doing a pee pee, that gives me a nice feeling but when I'm sitting in a poo poo it makes me feel really gross. I try to put it off as long as possible, but then my belly starts hurting. Jade gives me cuddles when my belly hurts but she always says it's because I've need a poo poo and she tells me that babies go poo poo in their nappies all the time. It's the only part of being a baby I don't like.

Jesy and Leigh had gone out with their boyfriends which left me and Perrie home alone. She was playing at my feet and was babbling to herself. I needed to start making tea but I know she won't let me out of her sight. She is extremely clingy lately. "Babe, do you want to come and sit in your bounce chair whilst mama makes tea?" I asked, she nodded. "Come on then." I stood up and expected her to follow me but she didn't she raised her arms indicating she wanted picking up, she really was being clingy. I picked her up nonetheless, and dragged the bouncer seat in to the kitchen. I sat her in it. "Do you need a change?" I add she she shook her head and settled into the seat more. I pulled the straps over her arms and pulled the one up between her legs she squirmed slightly but settled after a couple of touches from me. I fastened the straps and stood up. "Would you like a bottle princess?" I asked her, she nodded cutely. I quickly made her a bottle and handed it to her, she sucked on it contently.

When I was half way though making mine and Perrie's tea, I noticed she was getting uncomfortable. Her legs kept stretching out and she seemed really unsettled. "Hey baby girl, what's wrong?" I asked kneeling down in front of her, she reached her arm up and stroked my face I smiled at her adorableness. "Mama." She cried and played with the strap buckle. "You can get out babe, I need to cook tea and it's very hot, we don't want you getting hurt." I sighed and tried to relax her, I loosened the straps so she didn't feel as contained, but no way was I undoing the clasp. "Babe, what's wrong?" She carried on crying. "My tummy hurts." She cried. "Oh Pez, no big girl sentences." I sighed. "Mama bewwy hurts." She cried. "Good girl." I sighed. I was t sure if her belly was actually hurting or if she was just using it as an excuse for cuddles.

"Have you gone poo poo today?" I asked and stroked her cheek, she blushed and shook her head. "You need to go poo poo sweetheart." I whispered and kissed her head. I'm sure she wasn't pooing on purpose now. I don't like having to remind her, she gets all embarrassed and upset. "Mama I poo poo now?" She asked looking at me I nodded. She settled down and I knelt down next to her and held her hand. The beeping on the oven went off. "Let me sort the food out babe." I smiled and went to take it all out of the oven and serve it for me, she was eating some pee, carrots and mash for tea I added a little bit of chicken just in case she fancies it as well. "Mama I poo poo." I heard Perrie cry. "Oh good girl, I want you to eat all your tea and then I'll change you." I smiled, her face fell. And she started crying properly, obviously not liking the thought of sitting in the high chair with a poopey nappy.

"Don't cry baba." I sighed and picked her out of her bouncy seat I rocked her in my arms for a minute and then sat her in the seat she squirmed as I tried to do the straps. "Mama no." She cried. I managed to do the straps and I pushed the tray onto her. "Mama." She screamed and hit the tray. "That is naughty Perrie, stop it." I said sternly. "Change me now." She cried. She carried on saying it. "I'm going to keep ignoring you until you stop using big girl sentences." I sighed and set the food in front of her. "Why?" She cried. "It's a punishment Perrie, you need to learn to use your nappy for poo poo as well. I don't want to have to tell you every day. Now you chose to poo poo just before tea, I'm going to make you sit in it until after you have eaten it all up." I said. She sat there and crossed her arms grumpily over her chest. "The quicker you eat, the quicker you can be changed. It's your choice." I sighed.

LITTLE MIX~ one shots!!!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu