:26: Birthday Surprise

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Marley gets off the couch shuffling her blankets to the side and she walks over to the front door clicking the lock before she pulls it open.


Marley jerks back in utter surprise her eyes are wide and her hand is on her chest to calm her racing heart. St her door are her very best friends dressed up for a night out with clothes in hand presumably for her and she's utterly stunned by the sudden turn her birthday had taken. She was speechless and wide eyed looking at the girls before her like they were insane.

Santana laughs at that look on Marley's face and she walks into Marley's apartment and grabs her hand spinning her around and dragging her back to the bedroom with clothes in hand. The others wait in the living room chattering amongst each other rather amused by Marley's reaction. They had felt bad for ignoring her this week, but they had been busy planning the greatest 18th birthday EVER! "Get dressed well be waiting in the living room to do your hair and makeup. Get a move on birthday girl we don't wanna be late" Santana says with a wink leaving the clothes behind and going back to wait with the others.

Marley is still utterly lost but she manages to get dressed in the rather expensive clothes her friends had gotten for her. She looks herself over in the mirror she looked tired and sad her hair was frizzy and she cringed a little at her reflection. She glances away and heads back to the living room where the girls had created a make-shift salon just for her. She smiles softly and shakes her head in awe of her friends creativity but also amused by the mess they had caused in creating it. She settled into the chair they had chosen and they got to work she listened to them talk she didn't have much to say yet her heart full of happiness. They'd apologized a few times for ditching her this week they had worked hard to keep this all a secret and Marley understood she wasn't mad at them for it she had been upset but she definitely wasn't anymore because now she knew why they had done it.

Once she was finished she got to see herself again and she was in awe. They'd done a great job at managing her frizzy locks settling them into small curls around her face and her make-up was subtle but playful a hint of color on her eyes and lips with a pop of pink on her cheeks. She squeals happily and hugs her friends with delight. But Santana is quick to rush everyone out the door when she notices the time and they rush off to breadstix.. but? It didn't look like breadstix. All the tables had been moved and it was an open area it was beautifully lit with fairy lights it was romantic and fun. Kurt and Blaine stood on the stage singing an upbeat song winking at Marley when she entered. Everyone cheered for her and she was enveloped in dozens of hugs it was a little overwhelming but she also felt so much love at the same time and it was amazing. Decorations hung around sparkling in the lights there was a birthday banner with Marley's face on it and she giggled when she saw it. She played with her curls in awe they'd turned this place into a party center it was beautiful. There was a huge cake with her photo on it that said "Happy Sweet 18th Marley!"

She is breathless over it all and her heart swells with happiness. She squeeze hugs her friends and almost cries but doesn't so she doesn't ruin the makeup they worked hard on. She's laughing and having a great time forgetting about the sadness she had before now surrounded by everyone she cared about. It was a special day for her but it was special for them too because if she hadn't been born they wouldn't have her friendship and that meant a lot to all of them. They each took turns talking about there favorite memories with Marley and she was crying now dabbing at the makeup sat between the girls in her decorated birthday chair as they each told stories. She cried happy tears and she hugged her friends feeling utter pride when she did because she knew she'd found her forever people.

Gifts came after and she was in awe of those too. Most were to boost her future and her career opportunities to be on stage to sing live in small concerts and people she would get to meet to help give her advice and suggestions on what she wanted most. They were thoughtful gifts the best kinda gifts that make a lasting feeling they'd help her become the singer she always wanted to be and she couldn't wait to start working on her career. Mercedes gift was a song she wanted to sing one with her and put it onto her new upcoming album. She wanted to help show off Marley's voice and she was beyond eager to do this too and Mercedes promised they would work on it as soon as the weekend was over because they intended to have birthday fun the entire weekend. After this party they had planned a sleepover at Breadstix where they would watch home movies of not just Marley, but everyone there. They could share there childhood with one another and express and open up about everything they needed to.

Safe to say? It was Marley's best birthday ever. Surrounded by her friends and her mom. She couldn't have asked for more and she never would have this was so far beyond anything she ever expected and she had cried more happy tears then she ever had before. She wouldn't forget this birthday not now and not ever she'd never forget this moment that changed her life for the better.

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