:4: First Day Back

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Marley walked the halls to her locker she managed to get the same one she had when she went here before. And as she was putting her stuff away she glanced into the Glee Club room where she noticed Santana and Sam talking. She tilted her head curiously but what caught her attention? Were the freshman girls huddled around a locker beside hers talking about Santana.

"She is so mean! Do you know what she use to do?! Why's she even allowed here anymore! Look how she talked to the teachers when she was a student.. they should have chosen someone better who would respect us!" The freshman babbled on about there opinions and Marley found herself growing upset at the situation she knew Santana was rough around the edges, but she always did what she thought was best and Marley wasn't gonna have some freshman down talking her!

She slams her locker and turns to the girls beside her. Remembering the way she defended her mother sophomore year from her classmates. This was no different was it? Not to her. "Stop bad talking Santana! You're listening to stupid rumors of people that are scared of her because she's 10x braver then any of them could ever hope to be! Why not actually talk to her instead?! Because she's strong and she's amazing! We're lucky to have her helping here because she's not only talented but she's an awesome teacher and friend. You could learn a lot from her! If you want her respect? Then show her some too!" Marley snaps at the younger girls who look afraid like pups in trouble. She crosses her arms at them no longer the quiet marley she use to be. The years of crap she went through pushed her to stand up for herself and the people she cared about.

The freshman took off muttering under there breath about Marley instead and for once? She shrugged it off knowing she did the right thing by defending her friend.

Marley Glances over when she hears someone clapping she blushed softly when she notices that Sam and Santana saw what happened. "That was amazing Marley." Santana said walking over to hug her "Thank you" She whispers softly and Marley smiles. "You're like my sister Santana. And family? Stands up for one another no matter what" Marley replies firmly and Sam smiles. "Can't wait to have you back in Glee Marley. I think it's gonna be an amazing year for everyone" Sam chirps in with a smile and Marley giggles "I'm glad to be back. It's definitely nerve wracking to be back not knowing who I'll see and how they'll react, but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. I'm home now this is home to me and I was going stir crazy without all the competition and drama we have here" Marley admits with a shy smile and Santana laughs softly.

"Wait till you see who agreed to come back then. I think you enjoy seeing some old faces mixed with the new ones" Santana explains slinging an arm around Marley. Marley raised a brow curiously and now she couldn't wait to see who was coming back. "I'll walk you to class" Santana said waving to Sam before she walked away with Marley to her first period.

...Who agreed to come back?

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