:21: Prom Dates

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It was a week before the prom. Tickets were on sale and people were hurrying to find dates before everyone was taken. Marley stood at her locker watching girl after girl get asked to prom. She smiles softly not the least bit worries about it because she intended to go with her friends instead of a date. She was still avoiding the drama of boys and both of the drama filled boys had already tried to ask her out and she rejected them.

She shuts her locker and heads to class sitting beside Kitty who smiles at her gently. "Dress shopping after school?" Kitty asks and Marley nods softly "Sounds perfect" She agrees. They were gonna find dresses at the thrift shop to turn into costumes for the prom theme and Marley had offered to help Kitty make her costume since they'd become pretty good at it over the years. Plus Marley's mother was really good at making things she'd done it often for her so she could fit in more course Marley didn't worry about fitting in anymore because she'd found a place full of people that felt like home.

After school she heads to the thrift shop with Kitty. Some of the other girls meet them there and they shop together picking out everything they may need and extras to make there costumes. They leave with arms full of bags and the trunk is full as they head to Santana's and Brittney's so they can work on the outfits together. Marley brought the glue guns and sewing machine a mini version of course so they could make sure everything was well put together.

They worked for hours on the outfits before taking a pizza break they enjoyed some cold sodas and watched a movie to unwind from all the work they had done. By nights end they had finished the costumes they chose just assuring proper attachment for any extras. They opted to sleep over again because everyone was to tired from working so hard to drive home. They'd been having a lot of sleepovers lately and it was actually a lot of fun. Marley got sad sometimes when she thought about the years end when they would all go different ways for college. She would miss them but she also knew they'd keep in touch and see each other whenever possible.

Marley sleeps peacefully surrounded by her friends and excited about prom.

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